Of course Twitter banned Laura Loomer – IOTW Report

Of course Twitter banned Laura Loomer

Patriot Retort: If you haven’t heard, independent journalist Laura Loomer has been permanently banned from Twitter.

And while I might not be her biggest fan, the fact is, Loomer is taking on a lot of the Left’s sacred cows.

Which kinda explains why she got banned from Twitter.

Because the most protected sacred cows of the Social Justice Left are Sharia advocates.

And Loomer is dogged in calling them out. So she had to go.

Twitter’s reasoning behind banning her isn’t just specious and flat-out dishonest; it is also both revealing and (unfortunately) unsurprising.

Twitter, Facebook – pretty much all of social media – are taking it upon themselves to shield Islamists while censoring those who speak out against the threat of Sharia.

And make no mistake about it, Sharia is a threat – to our Constitution, our unalienable rights and our freedoms.

What Loomer tweeted wasn’t threatening or violent. And it is nowhere near as incendiary as anything that Anti-Semitic pile of crap Louis Farrakhan tweets out.

But Loomer is now banned from Twitter while Farrakhan is still there tweeting his poison with impunity.

The far-Left faux social justice activists of Social Media are doing exactly what Islamists expected them to do.

Because, let’s face it, nobody successfully exploits the PC culture quite like pro-Sharia Islamists.

And apparently, they knew full well that they could.

In February, 2017, in a column titled No, the Left isn’t suffering from a pre-9/11 mentality, I mentioned an interview with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s interrogator James Mitchell on “The Kelly File.”

And during the interview, Mitchell explained how Jihadis planned to exploit the American Left’s PC culture to advance Sharia in America.  more

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