UN MIGRANT COMPACT: 34-Page National Suicide Pact – IOTW Report

UN MIGRANT COMPACT: 34-Page National Suicide Pact

Faith J Goldy breaks down what is inside the globalist UN MIGRANT COMPACT which the US and a handful of other countries have recently rejected.   Justin Trudeau’s Canada is going full steam ahead with the compact.

10 Comments on UN MIGRANT COMPACT: 34-Page National Suicide Pact

  1. What this means is that NOW we will need to build a fookin 3000 mile border wall to keep those freezing somalis out…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. The man says “there is nothing we can do at this point to stop it”.

    Yes there is – armed rebellion and assassination of the girly boy.

    There should be enough long guns left in Canada to do the job.

  3. “Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is its betrayal.”

    This may be the stupidist political statement of 2018, and was uttered by the President of France. No wonder why France is not-so-slowly sinking into the sunset.

  4. My guess is that Ms. Goldy is a), far too beautiful, b), too rational, c), insufficiently gender confused and, d), too supportive of Western Civilization to win political office aux Canada. I hope I’m wrong.

  5. Remember people that we had Chamberlain elected, we had Hitler elected, we had BHO, we almost had the Hildabeast elected.

    Now the beta male Quisiling Trudeau…

    What the Hell is wrong with Leftists? They have zero discernment and try to put people in place who are evil or incompetent and will destroy their country.


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