ESPN is still tanking – IOTW Report

ESPN is still tanking

DC: ESPN’s downfall continues, and a dwindling number of subscribers has resulted in over $1 billion in lost revenue.

Clay Travis wrote the following Friday on Outkick The Coverage:

Yesterday Disney announced in its yearly 10K filing that ESPN lost another two million subscribers in fiscal year 2018.

ESPN now has 86 million subscribers, down from over 100 million subscribers in 2011.

Now the positive for ESPN is that the rate of subscriber decline seems to have slowed this year, but the negative is that since 2011 ESPN has now lost 15 million cable and satellite subscribers. Those 15 million lost subscribers equate to $1.44 billion a year in lost yearly revenue that ESPN will never be able to book. (This is based on an $8 a month subscriber cost for ESPN multiplied by 12 months in the year.) Again, this isn’t just a one time yearly revenue loss, this is a loss in yearly revenue forever.


15 Comments on ESPN is still tanking

  1. Not only did their politics do them, but over saturation, too.

    Right now I have 5 channels that have ESPN in the title.

    I think they got too big for their britches, conseqeuently the quality dropped.

    They believed they were something important and special. Meh..

  2. Politics aside. Incessant jibber-jabbering during whatever game is on aside. Their constant mutilation of the English language to produce soundbite worthy catch phrases and cutesy nicknames for teams, players, events, etc. is beyond annoying at this point. If I have a choice, I refuse to watch it.

    It was beyond annoying 10 years ago. Now it’s like wtf are they talking about?

    I see 15-20 minutes some days if I’m eating at a bar at lunch and the format is just stale. Loudmouth, overly animated know-it-all screams and yells as retired, half-concussed jock straps recite meaningless statistics their intern culled from the Excel spreadsheet for them.

    I got it guys – this is the first time a team scored “x” number of points in a 17 minute period in a non-playoff game with the temperature between 35 and 50 degrees in the rain on a Thursday. Thanks for that insight, Oracle at Delphi.

  3. As ANON said: Those remaining 86 mil are ghost subscribers. Due to one entity owning all the “stations on the dial” and those attached to the only option WIFI supplied by that one entity. My excitement builds as the snake has no food other than eating it’s self …

  4. Leftists/communists have ruined television and televised sports. Cut the cord ling ago and stream via internet any football games im interested in. Would rather watch but they ruined it, not me. The price also off the charts esp.given the crap product

  5. Cliche Guevara’s got it. And don’t get me started on how often I have to hit the mute button when sportscasters are babbling about some unimportant bullshit, meanwhile the game they’re calling has a man on 2nd base with less than 2 outs in the 7th inning of a 1-run ballgame.

  6. If they’ve only decreased from 100+ to 86 million subscribers, esp over a 7yr span, I’m actually disappointed.

    I want the numbers to show ESPN and the NFL lost over half their audiences.
    What would it take for people to understand that they are being insulted as their money is milked away?

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