Who’s Killing JFK Today? – IOTW Report

Who’s Killing JFK Today?

American Thinker: James Joyce once remarked that Rome reminded him of a man who made his living “by exhibiting to travelers his grandmother’s corpse.”  This observation also applies to the commercial exploitation of President Kennedy’s assassination.  After more than half a century no scrap of evidence is immune from being dislodged, mutilated, and reconstructed so as to fit more securely into the imaginative web of an aspiring conspiracy theorist. Did Oswald act alone? Was there a gunman on the grassy knoll?  Did the doctors at Parkland Hospital alter their autopsy report?  Was Kennedy’s body transferred to another coffin? Was the assassination a right-wing military coup d’état “with Lyndon Johnson waiting in the wings”?

This last theory — concocted by Oliver Stone for the movie JFK — surpassed all previous efforts in combining ideological rigidity, factual manipulation, and commercial exploitation.  The truthfulness of this assessment is open to any reader willing to peruse the writings of Gerald Posner (Case Closed), Brandeis Professor Jacob Cohen (“Yes, Oswald Alone Killed Kennedy,” June, 1992, Commentary) and finally the massive work of lawyer Vincent Bugliosi (Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy).

The sad fact is that the dead president has entered the marketplace as a salable item.  His death is not a question of historical interest but an exploitable commodity that may be packaged with impunity.  Is it really a desire to get at the truth that motivates the never-ending publication of conspiracy books and the periodic production of television specials commemorating that fateful November day?



31 Comments on Who’s Killing JFK Today?

  1. I remember it was the end of the six week reports and just before Thanksgiving weekend my senior year in high school. We were watching a Doris Day movie (Teacher,s Pet) in the auditorium. Just before we were ready to board the school busses and the aprincipal anounced the President had been assassinated.

  2. There were an astonishing number of connections between some of the players involved which added a tremendous amount of fuel to the many conspiracies generated.
    I still don’t think the full truth has been laid out.
    And yes I have read and heard interviews from the authors.

  3. It’s all fantasy speculation.

    The truth on whether more than one shooter got buried with then Gov. John Connelly.

    The magic mystery bullet still lodged in his leg would have told the story. The bullet went through Kennedy, made multiple direction changes goes through Connelly and lodged in his leg.

    Just being able to look at and weigh the bullet would give the answer.

    Connelly wouldn’t allow it’s removal.

  4. BTW, I was reading a book awhile back that
    listed all the people who knew or saw anything
    about this and how all the way up to 1975 got
    some of Arkancide ailment…..

  5. JFK should be remembered as the philanderer who sent his girlfriend swimming over in the WH pool to give a BJ’s to his friends. He made Clinton look like a paragon of integrity.

  6. Newton’s laws of motian were not repealed for Dallas. He was shot from his right front causing his body to fall to his left and the rear of the car. Oswald was not the trigger man, or his body would fall forward.

  7. The Conspiracy Theories seemed to have really picked up since the election of DJT. Apparently it’s perceived they have the same enemies. Certain parts of Trump policies are real close to JFK’s. Particularly trade. Remember the GATT talks. A lot of people believe they’ve resurrected these conspiracy theories as a warning to Trump. JFK jr and Trump were also good friends which broaches another conspiracy theory. That being, John John is still alive and hiding out in the Trump Towers. No word about his wife LOL. But everyones convinced if he is dead Hillary killed him. That might not be that big of stretch. LOL
    I have no idea if we are being told the truth about the Kennedy assassination. I personally have no problem believing the deep state would take out a sitting president. Maybe someone should check out those shallow graves in Terlingua.

  8. After learning about all the scandalous activities in the DOJ/FBI contriving the Russia/Trump conspiracy I am convinced NOTHING is out of the question regarding that assassination.

  9. The Kennedy assination was the first revelation of there being a Swamp. Sad that it’s taken until 2016 for everyone to fully see it.

    But see it we have. Does ANYBODY doubt jfk wasn’t bumped off by a clique of the likes of the comeys, clintons, John brennans, schumers, obamas, lois lerners, Harry reids, etc?

  10. I remember a few years back seeing an interview with a former SS agent just prior to his “suicide” and he said the shot came from an M-16 that was carried in the following SS car. The autopsy even mentioned a small caliber hole in the lower left occipital area and a corresponding large exit wound to the upper right forehead. He wasn’t sure if it were an accidental discharge or not….yeah, right.

  11. @.45-70 (at 4:44 pm): No apology necessary. Many times I have looked up something I “knew”, only to find out that I really didn’t know. We are all subject to the whims of our imperfect memories, and I can tell you from personal experience that things don’t get any better as you get older.


    P.S. – Incidentally, I believe that the American Thinker article is probably spot-on. When in doubt, always follow the principle of Occam’s Razor.

  12. Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist; a Marine Corps trained marksman; an employee of the School Book Depository; the only man who brought “curtain rods” to work that day; the only employee to leave the building after the assassination; the only person to kill a police officer after leaving Dealy Plaza; the only man in Dallas to have purchased the murder weapon using the false name it was bought under; and the only man with photographs holding the rifle that was found on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository. Since the Kennedy assassination, there have been dozens of modern examinations of this crime using highly sophisticated methods to determine where the shots were fired from on that November day. They all go back to the sixth floor where Oswald was actually seen by several witnesses before the motorcade turned beneath his open window. Leftist want to blame it on a vast right wing conspiracy, because it suits their narrative. An insignificant communist loser killed JFK; not all those agencies and groups that Leftists want to blame this tragedy on to sow discord and distrust among people all over the world.

  13. Biggest tax cuts in the 20th century, PRO-life Catholic, NRA life member, WWII hero, wanted America BACK on the gold/silver standard – geez… the democraps better KEEP him dead. Otherwise, people will look at his record, and think he was a… Republican! 😳

  14. My maternal grandmother was a switchboard operator at the state capitol in Austin at that time. She swore she overheard part of a conversation between LBJ and governor John Connelly where LBJ was thanking the governor for his cooperation “in this matter” to which Connelly replied “you son of a bitch, my WIFE was in that car!”. That was when she switched off the line.

  15. txfella: I recommend to anyone who wonders about the Kennedy assassination that they read Mark Fuhrman’s “A Simple Act of Murder” if they want a common sense approach to answer questions about this case. If there was a vast conspiracy to assassinate JFK, someone would have cashed in by now with the greatest payday in modern history. Lee Harvey Oswald was incapable of being part of a conspiracy, but he was absolutely capable of firing three shots from the sixth floor of the School Book Depository.

  16. If anyone cares to read Vincent Bugliosi’s massive 451 page “Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy” they can find out more about the assassination than in any other book on the subject. If they still want to believe that Kennedy was killed because of a conspiracy of unknown or undiscovered members of the Mafia, the CIA, the KGB, the Military Industrial Complex, LBJ, Cubans, Russians, and anyone else, they can at least have some facts to disbelieve. There have been dozens of independent examinations of the events in Dealey Plaza during the last half century, and none of them have been able to conclusively name anyone who actually could prove they were part of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. By the way, there are several books that raise question about the Lincoln assassination, and the role of his Secretary of War in some sort of conspiracy to kill Lincoln in order to extract revenge on the defeated leaders of the Confederacy. This doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in the Deep State and a conspiracy to prevent Donald J. Trump from becoming President Trump. Some things are self evident.


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