2019 Brings Yet Another Minimum Wage Hike In California – IOTW Report

2019 Brings Yet Another Minimum Wage Hike In California

CPR: Just like earlier this year, because of the enactment of SB 3 (Leno) in 2016, California’s minimum wage is going up again. On January 1, 2019, the state’s minimum wage will be increased for all sizes of businesses as “small employers” will see their second wage hike in recent years.

Under prior state law, the minimum wage for all industries increased to $10 per hour on January 1, 2016. Pursuant to SB 3, the minimum wage for all industries will be increased to $15 per hour by January 1, 2022 for businesses employing 26 or more employees and by January 1, 2023 for businesses employing 25 or fewer employees (referred to as “small employers”).

The law does provide that the scheduled increases may be temporarily suspended by the Governor based upon him or her making certain determinations. Additionally, the law requires the Director of Finance, after the last scheduled minimum wage increase, to annually adjust the minimum wage under a specified formula. In the meantime, the wage will go up incrementally each year.

The following lists the scheduled minimum wage increases for any business that employs 26 or more employees:

* On January 1, 2019 to $12 per hour
* On January 1, 2020 to $13 per hour
* On January 1, 2021 to $14 per hour
* On January 1, 2022 to $15 per hour

The following lists the scheduled minimum wage increases for any business that employs 25 or fewer employees:

more here

7 Comments on 2019 Brings Yet Another Minimum Wage Hike In California

  1. Kaliphornia … desperately trying to pick up speed in their quest to win the race to ‘Full Venezuela’ before the rest of the Left Coast, the Northeast & Illinois make it across the Finish Line of Full Marxism

  2. So totally immaterial. When the wife and I were first married we purchased a 900 sq ft home in Sunnyvale Ca. The heart of the Silicon Valley. We paid 130k for that house.That was in 84. That house now sells for over 1.5 Mil. I’m hardly joking.
    Globalism has destroyed the middle class in California. Save the extremely rural areas. NOBODY making $20.00 an hour can live in these areas. Globalism has killed California. If you don’t possess a talent it education that demands big dollars you better plan on moving.

  3. I wonder whether the state government will (as part of their annual study) calculate how many jobs disappeared but didn’t really because they went from actual American citizens to the illegal immigrants that those Dems (and some Republican business men that ought to be in jail) seem to love so much since they’re “off the books” and are more then willing to work for far less then the minimum.

    At least up here in Ontario, Canada we finally have a provincial leader (Premier Ford) willing to recognize and address the huge fiscal mess the provincial Liberals left. Our problem with debt and deficits is actually (on a per capita basis) worse then California’s. Up here the left and their associated lobby groups are screaming like little piggies as Ford cuts more and more social programs that the province can’t afford. When the squealing becomes as loud as it is now you know he’s doing something right. We’re going to be climbing out of this hole for a long time and the trip is going to be painful but at least we’ve taken the first steps.


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