EPA junk science helps elect Illinois Congressman Sean Casten(D) – IOTW Report

EPA junk science helps elect Illinois Congressman Sean Casten(D)


JunkScience.com: EPA admitted the ‘error’ that now Congressman-elect Sean Casten campaigned on. Sad!

EPA: Willowbrook all-clear, bad reading caused cancer scare

by LGIS News Service | Nov 22, 2018

An Aug. 29 EPA town hall in Willowbrook over its claim that unsafe levels of a chemical were in the community’s air. The EPA announced Wednesday that it botched the measurements and its report was false.

An Aug. 29 EPA town hall in Willowbrook over its claim that unsafe levels of a chemical were in the community’s air. The EPA announced Wednesday that it botched the measurements and its report was false.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says it incorrectly reported a Willowbrook company was emitting unsafe levels of a chemical, falsely claiming it could cause cancer.  MORE

6 Comments on EPA junk science helps elect Illinois Congressman Sean Casten(D)

  1. I live smack in the middle of this nonsense.
    The last musical activity at my son’s school a bunch of moms were handing out flyers alerting everyone to “cancer in the air.” I called it correctly from the beginning and said so to the moms, “it’s a bunch of hogwash.” To which they shot daggers out of their eyes. Who’s the asshole now?

  2. Ok, somebody (somebodies) made an error, it happens. Now fire all of those at the EPA involved and move on. Also check to see when the error was uncovered. If it was before the election and wasn’t reported then the decision maker on that one goes as well. No golden parachutes either.
    Trump’s got a lot on his plate but you have to hope he reaches out to the head of EPA and ask what he plans to do about this.

  3. scr_north, from the article, “Critics of the August [26th, 2018 (pre-election)] EPA report tried to point out what they saw as obvious flaws, but were drowned out by the politicians.”

    I was just talking with my wife about this – Ads were run on local news and on youtube alerting the community to cancer in the air. A lot of people around here are seriously concerned about it. We concluded those fears aren’t going to be put to rest anytime soon because the act of getting correct information to the masses isn’t as easy as getting incorrect fear-mongering information out. How about run an ad giving the all clear? No, that ain’t happening.

  4. @ecp; Who were the critics? If they weren’t EPA officials then I would suggest that they (the EPA) weren’t trying hard enough. All it would take is one of them to go on the local Fox station to tell the public how dodgy the report was and that the Democrat candidate was aware of that yet continued to fear monger. If the public chose to ignore or not even question what was happening then at least they had done their duty.


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