Safe in Indonesia, soldiers of allah demand to be settled in infidel countries – IOTW Report

Safe in Indonesia, soldiers of allah demand to be settled in infidel countries

Winds of Jihad:

This has to stop. Mohammedans who are safely hauled up in Islamic countries must not be distributed  in the “Christian” West, which they seek to destroy.

Afghan refugees stage protest in Medan, asking to be sent to Oz, US.

Refugees from Afghanistan stage a rally in front of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) office in Medan, North Sumatra, on Monday, Nov. 19, 2018. (JP/Apriadi Gunawan)

Dozens of refugees from Afghanistan staged on Monday a rally in front of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Medan, North Sumatra, demanding to be sent to their destination countries, which include Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada.


12 Comments on Safe in Indonesia, soldiers of allah demand to be settled in infidel countries

  1. These muzzie pieces of crap are on a mission of world domination. One of these days we will either decide to beat these 7th century bastards into the ground, or we will submit, and they will beat us into the ground. It’s one or the other.

  2. It’s called hijra, and it’s how Mohammad took Mecca, and how he tells his followers to take everything else. By deceit followed by violence. The Muslim way.

    Muslims do not believe in elections as the Koran tells them Al lah (piss be upon him) will choose their leaders, BUT they become politically active when they get here just to screw with how WE choose OUR leaders. Typically, they will decide what candidate will be most damaging to us, then support that candidate, since what’s bad for us and what’s good for Islam tend to be pretty much the same thing.

    Agnostic and atheistic (and Satanist) Democrats go along with this, because it gives them power, and they believe that Islam will help them destroy Christianity, the biggest thorn in their side. While they are right that Islam will try, where they are wrong is that they think that the ruling Democrats will then be able to destroy Islam in turn, and rule as the religion of State. Neither Christianity nor Islam will be destroyed so easily, but the Communist Dems rarely think these things through beyond the immediate grasp of power, and also tend to believe their own propaganda.

    Anyway, Islam migrates because Mohammad says to do so to take over. Democrats let them because they hate us more than they fear them, ironically since Islam is EVERYTHING they ever accused Christianity of being. And the UN just likes stuff that’s bad for America.

    It will fall to us to defend the remains of our Nation in the face of this, against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Sooner or later, the Dems will “win”.

    Be prepared.

  3. 7″…or we will submit, and they will beat us into the ground. It’s one or the other.”

    The Democrats may well steal enough elections to force America to submit to Islam, @joe6pak, but Christianity will NEVER submit.

    And the Lord DOES say we are to arm ourselves…

    36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

    37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.”

    Luke 22:36-37

    …interesting that you chose to say “submit” too, since that’s what Islam demands.

    It’s right there in the NAME.

    In their own words.

    “The root word of Islam is “al- silm” which means “submission” or “surrender .””

    …but never expect a Democrat to look into these things. Like Neville Chamberlain never reading Mein Kampf, they skip the research and just go with what they WANT to believe…

  4. If they don’t want to stay in Indonesia then hand them an AK47 and drop them in Kabul and tell them to fight for their country. Canada already has too many of these people thanks to Trudeau the Younger and his cabal of leftists.


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