Black Friday at BrawlMart – IOTW Report

Black Friday at BrawlMart

Breitbart: Dozens of Black Friday shoppers were involved in a brawl at a Walmart in Palmdale, California, according to police.

The incident occurred inside the mega chain store at approximately 6:30 p.m. local time and involved two groups of roughly a dozen people each. Details surrounding the cause of the fight are presently unknown, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department told reporters. Investigators are working to determine whether a store item sparked the brawl or a separate matter.  more

9 Comments on Black Friday at BrawlMart

  1. There’s a video floating around IG of this Black Comedian grabbing shit out of people’s carts during Black Friday. I’ve never laughed so hard. If I can find it again I link it.

  2. I worked retail and I know prices for items go up 15 – 25 % during Fall and then on Black Friday they’re reduced 20%, or put on clearance to unload an item.

    Overall, you are not really saving much unless there are truly ‘special buys.’ Which are probably very limited to 100 pieces. Which causes some of the brawling. lol.

    You don’t know how much you will save unless you scope an item out 1 to 2 months BEFORE Black Friday (At a single location). Stores count on you not to notice because there are so many choices of where to shop.


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