Scientists Suggest ‘Dimming The Sun’ to Solve Global Warming – IOTW Report

Scientists Suggest ‘Dimming The Sun’ to Solve Global Warming

Breitbart: Scientists have proposed a new method to fight global warming: sun-dimming aerosols released into earth’s atmosphere.

Research from scientists at Harvard and Yale universities was recently published in a journal called Environmental Research Letters which proposes using a technique called stratospheric aerosol injection to fight against climate change. The proposed technique would see scientists launching sulfate particles into the Earth’s lower stratosphere at altitudes up 12 miles high.

Currently, the technology exists but there are no aircraft suitable to carry the particles and “developing a new, purpose-built tanker with substantial payload capabilities would neither be technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive,” the researchers stated. The researchers have estimated that it would cost $3.5 billion to launch a system in 15 years time and would cost $2.25 billion a year to maintain over the course of those 15 years.

“We make no judgment about the desirability of SAI,” the report states. “We simply show that a hypothetical deployment program commencing 15 years hence, while both highly uncertain and ambitious, would indeed be technically possible from an engineering perspective. It would also be remarkably inexpensive.”

The report also acknowledges that cooperation between multiple countries around the world would be needed in order to make the project viable. The report also conceded that the technique is not without its downsides: it could negatively affect crop yields, lead to droughts or cause even more extreme weather. The proposal does not discuss the issue of greenhouse gases which are reportedly a leading cause in climate change.

31 Comments on Scientists Suggest ‘Dimming The Sun’ to Solve Global Warming

  1. We sit here freezing our butts off and “dim” witted scientists are still ranting about global warming and how they are going to fool mother nature.
    Maybe they could make the sun switch to LEDs as a source of light?

  2. From now on if we all hop on one leg I think we can cut mans footprint on the earth in half.
    I’m submitting that idea to the National Academy of Sciences, I think they’ll go for it.

  3. Volanic eruption anyone?

    It was already tried by mother earth. How did that turn out?

    Just sayin’.

    What was that old saying? Oh, right…”those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.”

  4. This is what happens when you think you know more than God.
    Nihilism – it’s not a joke – it’s a mental illness.

    These are the same people who will claim, without a shrug, that environmental “balance” can only be achieved by “eliminating” 25 to 50% of the World’s population (excluding themselves, of course). The same people who bray about other peoples’ lives not worth “living.”

    These people bear watching.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This reminds me of the old joke about sending an intergalactic firetruck to the Sun to put the fire out but they could only send it at night. Ecoweenies are so stupid to think they can control the Sun, good luck with that. And besides who would pay for such a dumbass project?

  6. Tar, feathers, rail, trip out of town
    Stupidest fookin idea ever devised by anyone on the planet.
    If the planet heats up (it won’t):
    Canada: Millions of acres can be farmed to feed everyone
    Russia: Millions of acres can be forested and farmed to feed everyone
    What if after they get this idea in place, we have a bunch of volcanoes that go off cooling the earth?
    Then we have a man made ice age out of control.
    Nice work Poindexter.

  7. Their proposal is also more proof that book smart and ‘real’ smart aren’t the same….as if we didn’t know that already.

    Smoke another joint you research scientists….and research this.


  8. Tambora and Krakatoa, anyone?

    Hey, Anonymous!

    “History is bunk!”
    (Henry Ford)

    “Can’t follow what’s behind us …”

    I’m pretty certain that a million years of existence (and concomitant experience) don’t mean shit compared to the maunderings of ignorant totalitarians.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Fine carbon particles absorb heat- bad
    Fine sulfate particles reflect the heat- good
    FIne sulfate particles are really fine sulfuric acid droplets- bad
    Control of the narrative- good
    Sulfuric acid is now sulfate particles and they are going to be good for you.

    The ‘sulfate particles’ will stay aloft for ‘about 2 years.’ Then what. Oh, look- it is raining again.
    At least the aluminum particles won’t be lonely. Nor will we be, after they have killed us all.

  10. They’ve been doing this for the last 20 years. It’s called geoengineering, a “conspiracy” the only “wackos” believe (enough gaslighting will get people to not believe their eyes). The resulting chemtrails have all kinds of harmful crap in them. Now they’re officially introducing this to the public so they will accept what’s been going on all along. This is bullshit and when they amp up the program it will (purposely) kill a lot of people.


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