When Did NASA Go to Pot? – IOTW Report

When Did NASA Go to Pot?

Powerline –

If you study the history of NASA’s Apollo program in the 1960s, one thing you come to realize is that the tight timetable to reach the moon by the end of the decade meant that NASA didn’t have time to ossify into a bureaucracy, and they did things (i.e., took risks) in those days that would never be permitted today.

But you knew NASA had slipped into the maw of the administrative state when President Obama told NASA administrator Charles Bolden in 2010 that “Muslim outreach” should be a primary mission for the space agency.

Well now it appears NASA doesn’t even want to go to Mars even if it could go to Mars. Gizmodo offers an account of recent panel discussion about Mars hosted by Lucianne Walkowicz, the NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology, and you have to read this, not to believe it, because of course the real problem with going to Mars is that it would represents “colonialism.”  read more

18 Comments on When Did NASA Go to Pot?

  1. Ranger76 WTF? Did you even look at the article! Obama cut funding so he could support more Moslems like himself! Its time the U.S. Government stop funding Terror supporting countries and fully fund NASA!

  2. …right HERE is when NASA came off the rails…

    “Mr Bolden said: “When I became the Nasa administrator, he [Mr Obama] charged me with three things.

    “One, he wanted me to help reinspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”

    He added: “It is a matter of trying to reach out and get the best of all worlds, if you will, and there is much to be gained by drawing in the contributions that are possible from the Muslim [nations].”


    …Muslims ALWAYS destroy whatever they can’t eat or rape, and NASA was no exception….

  3. NASA was stepping on their cocks after the Challenger disaster.
    Obola just put a bullet in their head to put them out of their misery and make the Agency into a yuge(r) money-laundering operation.

    The whole moslem outreach bullshit (which is laughable) was just the public announcement of the death.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The 2 NASA ‘Scientists’ blather on about how they need to avoid colonialism in getting to Mars. What exactly is wrong with colonialism when applied to a location that has no indigenous people?


    Landing expected at 3pm Eastern
    NASA’s Mars Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander is scheduled to touch down on the Red Planet at approximately 3 p.m. EST Nov. 26, and viewers everywhere can watch coverage of the event live on NASA Television, the agency’s website and social media platforms.

    lay aside your earthly cares

  6. I think it’s a completely dead planet, but I’ll withhold judgement for a while.

    What’s after a Mars colony? Getting outside our solar system, with current limits to technology (like getting as fast as the speed of light) will not be easy. Even so, the nearest solar system is something like 4 light years away. To be cooped up in a sardine can flying through space will drive anyone stark raving mad. Suspended animation maybe the only way, and what will that do the human body that still needs nourishment? I’m saying at least 500 years before we get beyond Pluto.

    But we have to do it. Our curiosity will make it happen.

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