Chick-fil-A blesses WWII vet with free food … for life – IOTW Report

Chick-fil-A blesses WWII vet with free food … for life

ONN: A Chick-fil-A in Avon, Indiana, is honoring its favorite customer – a World War II veteran – with free food for life as a token of appreciation for his service to the country and for his special friendship with employees.

Making his first visit to his local Chick-fil-A in the Hoosier State about a year ago, Ernie has made a habit of frequenting the Christian fast food restaurant just about every day of the week.

“Now, he comes back for a lunch of chicken nuggets and root beer nearly every day,” CBN News reported.

Mutual blessings

Chick-fil-A franchise owner Chris Tincher and his crew are more than happy to put all hands on deck to serve the chipper 92-year-old veteran, who never fails to boost company morale with his upbeat demeanor and friendly conversations.

“If we can get to Ernie, it’s been a good day,” Tincher chuckled while speaking with the local Fox 59 television station. more here


15 Comments on Chick-fil-A blesses WWII vet with free food … for life

  1. Their favorite customer just happens to be a WWII vet as opposed to an Operation Desert Storm vet. No need to question their charity just because he is 92 years old. Actually his voice is quite solid for a 92-year-old. Judging from his abilities and the sound of his voice, he has many years to come. God Bless him!

  2. 0Chic filet didn’t have to do that. Those making fun of men who served should be ashamed. Considering what he gave its a small token. God bless him and all that served so that we can be foolish. Actuarial tables be dammed.
    What an ignorant statement. Just pisses me off.

  3. They’ve only known the guy for the last year of his 92. I guess it would be better if they didn’t acknowledge the man at all, since he’s going to die soon? Most people here are really great and offer insightful, positive comments. Some others are just total jackasses.

  4. Let me clarify my comment. I’m not attacking the vet, far from it. God bless him and all like him. I do suspect Chic-Fil_A motives. They are getting all kinds of FREE feel-good coverage for this at a very minimal cost. Why not pick a vet from each conflict once a year for this lifetime give-away? Choosing a 90+ vet for a “Lifetime” free food give-away seems, well, cheap. Sorry if that pisses you off, but there it is.

  5. It amazes me that a corporation can step up and do the right thing and we feel it necessary to assign motives. I’ve never understood that. I live in Georgia. Chic filet has never wantonly, in my opinion, sought out attention. I don’t get why their motives need to be questioned. Cynicism I guess. Rather they have been pillaried for upholding Christian values, much I suspect like in this case. Sometimes people just do good things without the thought of a thank you.


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