Trump’s energy policies are paying off for workers and consumers – IOTW Report

Trump’s energy policies are paying off for workers and consumers

Daily Torch: With the liberal media busy looking for excuses to attack President Trump and his administration, you might have missed some good news on the energy front. American energy jobs are being created, gas prices are dropping, energy imports are dropping and energy exports are rising.

Since Trump took office, there have been thousands of coal mining jobs created; and tens of thousands of oil and gas industry jobs have been created. Many of these jobs pay well.

Thanks to Trump, coal’s future is looking brighter. In the early months of the Trump Administration, the Interior Department ended the moratorium on new coal leases on public lands that the Obama Administration had put in place. In FY 2017, coal production on federal lands increased by more than 12 percent. While environmentalists work to shut down reliable coal plants reducing domestic needs for coal, coal exports increased by 61 percent last year as coal shipments to Europe rose and shipments to Asia more than doubled.

The domestic natural gas industry is growing rapidly. Last year, for the first time since the Eisenhower era, the U.S. has become a net exporter of natural gas. The U.S. is expected to end this year as the world’s fifth largest natural gas exporter; the U.S. should end next year as the third largest exporter. A large liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal opened this year in Maryland. Several more terminals are expected to open next year; and more than a dozen terminals have been proposed.  read more

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