Did Joe And Mika’s Wedding Damage America’s Founding Documents? – IOTW Report

Did Joe And Mika’s Wedding Damage America’s Founding Documents?

DC: TV news’ most famous morning couple Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski tied the knot this weekend in a clandestine ceremony at the National Archives. But the question that people should be asking themselves is not were they unfaithful to their spouses during their courtship, but, rather, did their nuptials physically damage the Constitution?

It was a unique idea to host the wedding at the National Archives, a place where no one has ever gotten married before. Brzezinski — who is scrapping her name to know her value and call herself “Scarborough” — exclaimed to Vanity Fair‘s Emily Jane Fox that people will conclude that the venue hints that Joe is considering a presidential run in 2020.

Um, no. No one is thinking that.

What the media power couple may not realize is that the National Archives has strict rules on photography. The place is typically dimly lit for a reason — for the masses, all photography is strictly prohibited as light can damage documents like that unimportant one known as the Declaration of Independence. Joe and Mika had a wedding that was ultra well lit, as evidenced by pictures accompanying their stenographer’s story that was published in Vanity Fair and the ones that appeared on their show as released by their TV son Willie Geist. In several photographs, the couple is standing in the National Archives with the historical docs in plain sight.  read more here

18 Comments on Did Joe And Mika’s Wedding Damage America’s Founding Documents?

  1. I’m just glad they kept their nuptials a tight secret…..can you imagine the circus it would have been in Washington if all of their fans/hangers on would have found out about this beforehand?! The country dodged a bullet this time!

  2. People are not allowed to take photographs there. But these two fools get to use flash photography, home video (lights), and have another congressmoron stand around breathing hot air everywhere while officiating the temporary wedding. Are they renting the place out, now? Because I’d like to throw a Halloween party there next year.

    Did they invite Sandy Berger? lol

  3. But, but, if she takes his last name she’ll be Mrs. Joe Scarborough Little.

    He is, Joe Scarborough Chicken Little. The spineless, idiot, turncoat who chooses to wear glasses that make him look just like the cartoon character.

  4. Umm…right up my alley. Lighting that room was one of my first jobs out of college. The ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS have been removed (almost always downstairs) and what most people (except for e.g. Presidential events, when they *are* displayed) see are duplicates. Good copies. No damage to the originals.

  5. I would have guessed Elijah Cummings tucked the Declaration into his shirt collar and then proceeded to wipe his BBQ sauce covered fingers over the names of the slaveowners.

  6. @General – Thanks for confirming my suspicion. It seemed to me mighty unlikely that the originals were on display except for special occasions, of which this wedding was not one (unless “special” implies the short bus).

  7. Scarborough won’t be running for the Presidency. The dead girl found in his constituency office in Florida along with questions about how she could have sustained the injuries that killed her and the fact that he resigned his congressional seat and left town so soon after her death is enough to scuttle any hopes he would have of winning. He may let the idea hover about in order to make him more interesting and increase ratings but he won’t take the plunge.


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