The Orange Man Wrecked My Marriage! – IOTW Report

The Orange Man Wrecked My Marriage!

Hear The Lamentations Of Unstable Leftist Women-

David Thompson:

By now it’s a truism to point out that the election of Donald Trump… [has] prompted a wholesale realignment of American politics. But it’s also sent shock waves through heterosexual romance.

In the piously left-leaning New York magazine, Molly Langmuir invites us to sympathise with the inner turmoil of activist ladies who are blaming their unhappy marriages, their divorces and estrangements, and pretty much everything, on the continued existence of Donald Trump. There’s quite a bit to mental jungle to hack through, so bring a packed lunch:

29 percent of respondents to a May 2017 survey said their romantic relationship had been negatively affected by Trump’s presidency. And even people ostensibly on the same side of the issues as their partner have run into challenges, with the climate exacerbating or revealing new fault lines. 

Ms Langmuir introduces us to several pseudonymous couples and singletons – people for whom the merest deviation in thought has proved too much to bear. First up, we meet Kirsten:

Growing up, my parents were very liberal. My dad’s gay, he’s been with his husband now for over 40 years. That was my normal. My mom remarried a guy who’s very liberal.

Okay, then.

In high school, I also had a major drinking problem,

No. Don’t. We mustn’t rush to judge.

I was an art major at this big university…

Though, admittedly, she’s not making it easy.

…where I really didn’t fit in. All these girls had curling irons and were rushing sororities, but again I didn’t want to rock the boat. So I just kept partying more. Then at the end of the year, I was raped at a fraternity house and didn’t say anything about it.

Events seem to have taken a dark turn.

So I go home and I meet this guy. I’ll call him Geoffrey. He was a big Republican, and I wasn’t, but he was also a big drinker, like me. We started dating. It was a kind of revenge, that I could get a guy like the guy who raped me — I could get him to be nice to me. Looking back, it was all very strange.

A little… odd, certainly. A relationship based on revenge.

But then [Geoffrey and I broke up], and I got married and then had my son, and that relationship lasted for about 14 years. After we got divorced, I got sober, and then in 2010, I found Geoffrey on Facebook.

I’m not getting the feeling that this will play out well.

13 Comments on The Orange Man Wrecked My Marriage!

  1. I do have quite a few conservative friends.
    One thing I can say about most all of them is they do not live lives so full of drama and turmoil.
    They’re all pretty stable, with peaceful lives and decent relationships.

  2. When these unstable women (& men) have problems, they blame everyone else except themselves. That’s what liberals do.
    Today, the most blameworthy person in America is our beloved POTUS.
    Thanks MSM, Academia, Hollywood, every Democrat Jackass, etc. etc.

    If President Trump is still pissing off all of these people, then he is doing everything right!

  3. Too much daytime television, meaning, more than none.
    This is manufactured trauma by a traumatist.
    In my pathetic life I’ve actually been treated better during the Trump years. Not only am I allowed in the house, but I get to sleep in our matrimonial bed as long as I don’t cross over the razor wire line that bifurcates the mattress.

    But my reptilian tail which leaves a glistening slime trail irritates her to no end. Is it my fault that I identify as a salamander?

  4. “…29 percent of respondents to a May 2017 survey said their romantic relationship had been negatively affected by Trump’s presidency.”

    Holy shit. I knew Orange Man had adversely affected international trade (in some particular segment of the population’s mind) but I had no idea he had caused a devaluation of pussy. But there it is.

  5. Anderson and Rachel are Laughing out loud as they’ve pulled off the ultimate phsy-op of controlling millions with their Lies.
    This may have been their Roles all along, implanted like a Chinese spy to ruin our Country.

  6. Trump ruined their marriages? Time for a little introspection, snowflakes. The chances are about 100% that you’re as conflicted as a gun that is designed to point backwards. Why is that it’s almost ALWAYS the women who react like this?

    1. Most women are progressives. (“But they’re my feelings!”)

    2. Most men are basically conservatives (“If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.”)

    The truth is, Trump is waking up men and progressive women hate him for it. PS, honey’s: you’re marriages were bad from the start because they included YOU. The sad thing is the men you married find their mistakes too late.


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