Nephew of Baker Jack Phillips Became a Christian After Seeing His Uncle Defend the Faith – IOTW Report

Nephew of Baker Jack Phillips Became a Christian After Seeing His Uncle Defend the Faith

CBN: The nephew of Christian baker Jack Phillips, the man embroiled in the famed and protracted “gay cake” legal battle has reportedly given his life to Jesus following his uncle’s ordeal.

Back in June, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, after he refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Previously, Phillips had been penalized by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) for his decision, but the highest court ruled that the commission violated Phillips’ rights under the First Amendment.

In the aftermath of the landmark ruling, however, it appears that Phillips’ decision to take a stand for what he believes in had a lasting impact on some of his own family members. According to the legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, the baker’s nephew, Sean, watched on in horror as his uncle and extended family were subject to cruel and abusive treatment from those who disagreed with Phillips’ personal beliefs.  more here

2 Comments on Nephew of Baker Jack Phillips Became a Christian After Seeing His Uncle Defend the Faith

  1. I’m sure his uncle would consider it all worthwhile if his nephew’s soul was saved. Nothing is more important to a Christian than seeing the lost saved. That is a powerful testimony.

  2. Our God uses ALL our actions to bring people closer to Him. He even used hateful actions to show the love and compassion of one of his faithful believers and, this in turn opened the nephews eyes.

    No one asks to be a martyr, and I am glad I have not been called to what Mr. Phillips has experienced, but it all worked out for the glory of God.


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