Trump Sending AF1 to Bring George H.W. Bush’s Casket to Washington – IOTW Report

Trump Sending AF1 to Bring George H.W. Bush’s Casket to Washington

I’d like to call attention to the behaviors of the Bush family after GHWB’s passing and the McCains, just before and after, John McCain’s death.

Breitbart:President Donald Trump on Saturday said he’s sending Air Force One to bring the late President George H.W. Bush’s casket to Washington, according to a pool report.

“Air Force One will be taking myself and a group of our people back to Washington. It will then be reset and it will be sent to Houston to pick up the casket of President Bush and it will be sent back to Washington,” Trump said from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he is attending the G-20 summit.

Trump added it was “a special tribute that he deserves very much.”

Bush, 94, died late Friday evening in Houston, Texas. The White House said Saturday that Trump would postpone a planned press conference in deference to the late former president. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are planning to attend Bush’s state funeral at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, and designate Wednesday as a day of national mourning for the 41st president.

The White House flag is also flying at half-staff in honor of the late president.

Isn’t that nice? President Trump is far more gracious to the Bush family than they have ever been to him.

[…] Trump said he had “great conversations” with the elder Bush’s sons, former President George W. Bush and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush earlier on Saturday.  MORE

So far, unlike the McCain clan, which includes the blonde wildebeest Meggie McCain, there has been no childish bickering or nasty comments from the Bush family towards President Trump. I know it’s early, but hopefully, the Bushies can keep it classy.

14 Comments on Trump Sending AF1 to Bring George H.W. Bush’s Casket to Washington

  1. The Elder Bush’s were a class act. I remember the story about the young Secret Service agent standing guard in a snow storm in Kennebunkport. Mrs. Bush went out and tried to give him a hat and scarf that he tried to refuse.
    “Don’t argue with the First Lady son. Put the damn hat on”
    Now, McCain was a bastard even in death.
    I have fond memories of the Elder Bush’s
    McCain was a skid mark on the dirty drawers of History

  2. Class act, DJT. Secondarily, great PR.

    Any plane’s callsign is “Air Force One” when the President, the Vice President, or the President’s family are on board. The tail numbers of the two 747s commonly used for official Presidential travel are N28000 and N29000, and their callsigns in all other circumstances are “SAM 28000” and “SAM 29000” respectively (SAM = Special Air Mission).

  3. Trump is a ‘class-act’, too damn bad liberals couldn’t show even a fraction of Trump’s respect for all Americans.
    It may be because liberals do not consider non-liberals as Americans, which merely proves their disdain and hatred of half this countries inhabitants.

  4. What? President George H. W. Bush doesn’t rate six funeral services and wall to wall coverage on the MSDM like John McCain and Michael Jackson! Could it possibly be that the MSDM doesn’t see any benefit in using this death to slag President Donald J. Trump, because President Bush was such a first class gentleman as opposed to McCain being a first class RINOCRAT jerk?

  5. Wherever traitor John McCain resides, he will now have a comrade of equal character to agonize with him. Uncovering the truth exposes much and the internet can’t keep all of it hidden from inquiring researchers.

  6. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting GHWB at the White House. He was everything all are saying – gracious, kind, humorous, interested in you, etc. A real highlight in my life. RIP.


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