Sorority And Fraternity Groups Sue Harvard Over Single-Gender Social Group Penalties – IOTW Report

Sorority And Fraternity Groups Sue Harvard Over Single-Gender Social Group Penalties

DC: Sororities, fraternities and students sued Harvard University on Monday over a rule that punishes students in single-gender clubs from holding leadership positions on sports teams and campus groups.

The federal lawsuit calls into question “freedom from sex discrimination,” while the state suit is over “right to free association and equal treatment based on sex,” reported The Boston Globe.

Plaintiffs in the federal suit include Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Sigma Chi fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter in Cambridge and three Harvard male students. Delta Gamma Fraternity Management Corporation, Alpha Phi, and Cambridge’s Alpha Phi chapter sued Harvard at the state level, according to a press statement from the North American Interfraternity Conference (NAIC).

“It is baffling that Harvard boasts that its students are among the brightest minds in the world, yet administrators won’t trust them to make decisions about how they choose to associate with one another,” president and CEO of NAIC, which works with 66 international men’s fraternities, Judson Horras said in the statement. more here

6 Comments on Sorority And Fraternity Groups Sue Harvard Over Single-Gender Social Group Penalties

  1. “It is baffling that Harvard boasts that its students are among the brightest minds in the world…”

    Change ‘are’ to ‘were’ and you’ve got it right.

  2. So, the brightest minds in the world can’t figure out that the Constitution protects the right to freedom of association and assembly?

    Maybe the undergraduate administration should talk to some of their colleagues over at the “esteemed” law school.

  3. Harvard’s “policy” is hypocritical; as a matter of application, women only groups are not expected to follow the rules. This is a policy designed to destroy men’s groups.

    Most men’s organizations are not secret cabals with a goal of taking over the world and excluding women from society. Many of these organizations are just groups of men being men, which in and of itself irritates the hell out of feminists, and much of the time nothing important is being discussed or acted upon. We tell dirty jokes, sports, cars and electronic equipment are important, we don’t care about domestic issues like which way the toilet paper roll hangs, and we would rather plan a golf outing than a fancy dinner. Particularly for young men, sex is important, but relationships generally are not. When men say they are thinking of nothing, they are literally thinking of nothing.

    Many of us really need a break from women, just as many women need a break from men. Men and women are different, they process things different, they do things differently, and they have different priorities. Census data indicates that people are marrying later, and at least in my observations more and more divorced men are choosing not to remarry or even co-habitate. To a certain extent, human nature mandates that men need to associate with other men, and while Harvard’s policy may drive organized men’s only groups off campus, it will eliminate this behavior.

  4. DG is a sororiy
    My little girl (now 50) is not, and never was, a boy!

    These are the big names in the Greek system (or at least were 60 years ago)DDD, DG, SAE, SX Only left out ronny’s TKE!ty


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