WaPo Gives Occasional-Cortex “4 Pinocchios” [She is anxiously waiting on her front porch for UPS to deliver them] – IOTW Report

WaPo Gives Occasional-Cortex “4 Pinocchios” [She is anxiously waiting on her front porch for UPS to deliver them]


DC: The Washington Post gave congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “four Pinocchios” Tuesday for her recent claim about Pentagon funding and Medicare for All.

Ocasio-Cortez claimed in a Monday tweet that unaccounted for Pentagon funding could have been used to pay for her expensive Medicare for All plan.

According to an audit of the Pentagon between 1998 and 2015, $21 trillion in funds “could not be traced, documented, or explained.”

“Medicare for All costs ~$32T. That means 66% of Medicare for All could have been funded already by the Pentagon,” Ocasio-Cortez asserted.

The Washington Post’s fact check team debunked Ocasio-Cortez’s faulty logic in a Tuesday morning post, calling the tweet her “$21 trillion mistake.”

WaPo explains that the $21 trillion in unaccounted for Pentagon money is the sum of all transactions, “not one big pot of dormant money collecting dust somewhere.”

“The figure cited had to do with the accounting for inflows and outflows within the Pentagon budget, meaning that the same dollar could be accounted for many times. It does not mean there were trillions of dollars that the Pentagon spent on pure fraud that otherwise could have been spent on other national priorities,” Philip Klein further explained in the Washington Examiner.

Additionally, the Pentagon audit is over a span of 17 years, while the estimated $32 trillion price tag on Medicare for All is for just 10 years.  more here

24 Comments on WaPo Gives Occasional-Cortex “4 Pinocchios” [She is anxiously waiting on her front porch for UPS to deliver them]

  1. So – IF I don’t list a check I – like – wrote against my checking account – I can -like – actually spend that money repeatedly?! Excellent! Like – I’m voting for more of this in 2020! Why have our – like – representatives NOT been letting us in on this!!!

  2. I’m kinda glad she’s a member of the house of representatives…
    Water seeks it’s own level….
    Until she is vigorously denounced, rebuked, made fun of, then the rest of the house assumes her level of stupidity…

  3. Damn, she has an economic degree from my Alma mater, Boston University. She is single-handedly devaluing my degree. Now I wasn’t economics, I was Computer Science and probably 25 years earlier. But she is bringing down the reputation of my college, which I paid a hell of a lot of money to attend, even in the mid-eighties!

  4. wait ’till this time next year … we’ll hear about 10,000 ‘powder-puff’ pieces gushing about ‘how much she’s learned” & “how much she’s grown” in office

    …. count on it

  5. Seriously, how could she have passed all those economics classes at BU? I am totally serious. Something is fishy here. I took both micro and macro economics at the same school as electives. Those were tough classes!

    And the classes 30 years ago were centered around capitalism.

  6. My point is either she is very smart and went through the Boston University curriculum and had other thoughts about economics, her major. Or there was something nefarious going on…How exactly could she pass and have an economics degree from a major University? Yet publicly stating the opposite of economics?!

  7. As I send my children to universities, are they just passing them through? Even the major’s and the minor’s???
    The level of teaching has become very low. And the level of anti-Trump has become high.

  8. My 15-year-old son just got a perfect 800 in his math SAT. Will he be going to MIT? No, he will be going to MIA, because he is half white and Asian…the worst combo on college campuses today.


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