Climate Defender Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Spent $300k on Private Plane Travel in October – IOTW Report

Climate Defender Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Spent $300k on Private Plane Travel in October

Sanders says ‘climate change is the single greatest threat facing our planet’.

WFB: The re-election campaign for Vermont senator Bernie Sanders spent nearly $300,000 to travel on a private jet in the final stretch of the midterm election, filings with the Federal Election Commission show.

The spending on private travel was for a campaign trip Sanders did to boost far-left candidates in nine different states, his campaign spokesman said.

“This expense was for transportation for the senator’s nine-day, nine-state tour to support Democratic candidates up and down the ballot ahead of Election Day,” campaign spokesman Arianna Jones told, which was first to identify the spending. “This cost covered the entirety of the tour from Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Carolina, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, California, and back to Vermont.”

The Sanders campaign made a $297,685.50 payment on October 10 to Apollo Jets, a New York-based private jet service used by stars such as Derek Jeter and Shaquille O’Neill, according to its website. The company’s featured jet is a Falcon 8X, it says.

His campaign made a much smaller payment of $37,567.53 to Apollo Jets in July 2017, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Air travel is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, with some estimations saying that the aviation industry accounts for about 11 percent of transportation-related emissions in the country. The environmental impact is greatly magnified in cases of private flights, which carry far fewer people per trip than commercial jets.  read more


21 Comments on Climate Defender Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Spent $300k on Private Plane Travel in October

  1. Sanders says ‘climate change is the single greatest threat facing our planet’.

    In other words, pay no attention to the left-collectivist authoritarians and the mohammadmen totalitarians behind the green curtain.

    But the really real biggest threat to our planet, as distinct from the planet’s civilization, is from the SMOD – Sweet Meteor of Death.

  2. Sanders considers him self an elite, exempt to the rules for the rest of us. He’s important. We need to start regathering the minute men. Bar room brawlers, politically incorrect ass holes, shooters, street fighters, form a line.

  3. Something important has happened in the last month or so. I noticed it, because I live it. Please think hard about what I’m about to say. “Wall Street, and Main Street, are no longer connected”. They never were until Barry. Thank you PDT for killing that ugly Obamanomics creature.

  4. “Bar room brawlers, politically incorrect ass holes, shooters, street fighters, form a line.” I completely agree! Yea, real John Wayne types that said ‘now you just wait a minute there Mister. You’ve already been told to shut that pie hole. One more word out of you and I’ll,,, You’ll what? Well,,, I’ll take you out back like a rented mule and (imagination required, it’s a family site after all) until you puke! What’s every gasping about? You never knew the ‘Duke rode that way?’

  5. No Blushes

    What I describe were the minute men. The III percenters. Sam Adams himself was considered a hooligan. Next time ‘Sons Of Liberty” is on the History Channel, watch it. I can suggest several books. This is why I consider conservatives higher moral ground such a God Damn Joke. It’s for losers.

  6. Brad, are you thinking obama connected Wall Street and Main Street? There are always multiple angles to look at things but I would tend to disagree. Look at his 900 billion dollar stimulus and his shovel ready jobs. Absolute smoke and mirrors. Went entirely to banks, big business in the form of bailouts, and unions. Maybe I misunderstood your point.

  7. This I agree completely with, “This is why I consider conservatives higher moral ground such a God Damn Joke. It’s for losers.” Also known as “compassionate conservatism”. Oh yeah, that guy isn’t with us any longer.

  8. joe6pak

    Historically Main Street and Wall Street have run their separate paths. Until Obama. For example, historically every huge Stock market crash I’ve been through have always been my largest booking days. Yesterday was HUGE for us. I guess my point is, Wall Street is all Smoke, Mirrors, and conjecture. Main Street is real dollars. Not a Las Vegas roulette wheel.

  9. Let’s face it. Bernie is a cocksucking idiot.
    We lost a man this week that Bernie couldn’t shine his shoes as far as service to country.
    No matter what you think of GHW Bush, the line for Bernie’s casket will be far shorter than the latest Michael Moore film of lies.

  10. Brad, under obama Wall Street thrived. Main Street struggled even though the msm told everyone how great things were. The well to do got more well to do, but the hourly wage earners took a beating, students borrowed money for worthless degrees, manufacturing jobs left town, race relations went in the gutter, minimum wage increases wiping out opportunities for entry level jobs, rising dependency on government programs, dogs and cats……..Anyway, the way I see it Main Street took a beating under obama.

  11. Brad and joe, no offense, just chatting here.
    Both are describing the eternal pissing match, the same end being met, by design by politicians.
    The original intent of the 2 party system. Taught, learned and followed.
    Even though both of you are so much more intelligent and alike than that.
    G’Night Brad, joe, be well to both of you.

  12. And let’s not forget about the carbon footprint this old hypocritical crazy commie is leaving behind by maintaining three homes.

    He should build a flux capacitor machine and visit his heros Stalin, Marx etc.


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