The Triple Dog Dare – IOTW Report

The Triple Dog Dare

9 Comments on The Triple Dog Dare

  1. Spent my youth in Montana. This would not be news anywhere in Montana. It happens on an almost weekly basis. I never understood the attraction myself and so never had to be detached by use of teapot full of boiling water and a bath towel.

    As for that movie, I HATE IT. If anyone is invited to our home during the holidays there are two things I absolutely forbid to cross the threshold: A Christmas Story video or CD and/or a Goddamned disgusting Costco Apple fucking Pie.

  2. @Dan, exactly with the 1-5. Captain Obvious wrote the article. I am surprised she/it didn’t demand that all good Christmas films have a SJW at the dinner table refusing to eat the sweet potatoes because they remind them of DJT, Orange man bad.

  3. ‘Christmas Story’ is so spot-on w/ my childhood memories of Christmas …. the annual trek to pick out a (real) tree, the pressing our noses against the store-front windows at the Christmas displays (we would go to downtown DC & gawk at the displays at Hecht’s, Sears, Murphy’s, Woolworth’s, Montgomery Wards, etc), going to see Santa, the absolute chaos of childhood (in & out of school; giving us lessons we applied later, in the reality of adulthood), the humiliations, the perplexities, the triumphs & tragedies, & especially the joys held in the magic of Christmastime.
    the only thing that was different was that I grew up w/ a tv instead of a radio …. Howdy Doody, Mickey Mouse Club, Pick Temple, Soupy Sales, Ranger Hal, The Three Stooges, Captain Kangaroo, Hopalong Cassidy, The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Buck Rogers, Sky King, all the great cartoons, etc., instead of Little Orphan Annie on the radio …. & I got my first BB gun when I was 10 … late bloomer
    anyone remember turning BB guns into air-guns & shooting dirt clogs?


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