FBI counterintelligence- Bill Priestap Resigns – IOTW Report

FBI counterintelligence- Bill Priestap Resigns

CTH: The only remaining FBI counterintelligence official at the center of all spygate and Clinton investigation issues is departing.

The enigma man, E.W. “Bill” Piestap is retiring from the FBI.  Bill Priestap is the FBI Asst. Director in charge of all counterintelligence operations.  Priestap was FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s boss; he was also at the epicenter of the story surrounding every action taken by the FBI in the Clinton investigation and the Trump campaign investigation.

Bill Priestap was copied on every email of consequence including the writing of the Clinton exoneration talking points delivered by FBI Director James Comey.  Priestap was the central figure on the FBI side of both Clinton and Trump operations.  “Bill” is mentioned in hundreds of text messages sent by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

In short, Bill Priestap was everywhere – except where you would most likely expect to find him, in media discussion.  The timing seems curious though the Wall Street Journal goes to great lengths to describe the timing as a mere happenstance due to his 20-year service anniversary and the opportunity to retire with full benefits:  more here

19 Comments on FBI counterintelligence- Bill Priestap Resigns

  1. Kind of ironic that this happens just after another article about a senior official “retiring” because of sexual assault – and no charges???

    Retires with full benefits???

    Who’s in charge???

  2. Not arrested? If not why not?

    Q said the Marines are going to arrest people today. Waiting……… stand by…….. don’t hold your breath…. glancing through a magazine ….. playing spider solitaire ….. staring out the window ….. toes go tap tap tap ….

    The military can make arrests for treason on US soil without a declaration of posse comitatus.

  3. TO Zonga
    Looked at the Q website and looked for anything with “Marines” in it…only something as recent as last August and June…nothing else…in what post did he ever suggest that? Or, are you equating all the sh!tposters who comment there to Q himself?

  4. And when we lose the next election Q will tell us to trust the plan. It’ll be another day or two until the paints dry on the new facility’s at Gitmo then we lower the boom.

  5. gin blossom, are you considering moving to The Last Redoubt to grumble among “the last, true, faithful patriots” who already know ALL HOPE IS LOST…or are you posting from there, to make sure even more people give up?!? Only downside: I hear the only sex lube they offer is CLP…(/s).

    I swear, some people never learned the lessons of Tokyo Rose’s eroding American spirit…WHO NEEDS external enemies, when your own people can destroy/surrender from within?


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