ICE is cool with me – IOTW Report

ICE is cool with me

Howie Carr: Who represents a greater threat to you and your family’s personal safety — brazen illegal immigrant criminals who know they face no penalties for their lawlessness, or the ICE agents who are trying to grab them at local courthouses before they can kill, rape or rob any more Americans?

The answer’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?

Yet, in certain circles, it’s ICE — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement — that’s taking the heat for actually having the temerity to … enforce the law.

Let me pose the question another way — suppose you have a Dominican career criminal, with three aliases, deported twice already, who gets picked up with cocaine in his pocket, and when the cops run his three aliases through the computer, they get back a fugitive warrant from Pennsylvania on a drunken-driving charge?

Is this the kind of “migrant” you want in your country?

Would you want to thank an ICE agent who showed up at the courthouse to make sure this arch fiend was sent back to one of the Third World hellholes that spawned him and millions more like him who are now destroying this country?

I’d go up and shake that ICE agent’s hand and personally congratulate him for ridding civilization of such a thug. And so, I think, would you.

In case you missed it, there was an alleged case involving such a suspect earlier this year at the Newton District Court. For the second time in less than a year, a dangerous illegal immigrant reportedly fled the courthouse, jumping a fence as an ICE agent was stalled elsewhere in the building.

A federal grand jury is hearing testimony. The outrage is palpable — against the feds, for trying to take a foreign monster off the board before he hurts any more taxpayers.  read more

7 Comments on ICE is cool with me

  1. Increase the ICE budget, and hire enough agents to liter ally surround any building – courthouse, jail, whatever – where they are attempting to arrest an illegal. Then grant them the authority to also arrest anyone – no matter their position or rank – who attempted to let them go as accessories.

  2. Just yesterday a friend of mine who has a 16 year old son who started working at his first job was notified that his ssn# is being used by no less than 3 other persons (with Hispanic names/alias’ at 4 locations in Texas/California) and that the Social Security Agency can’t do a thing..

    Wouldn’t it be fun to have a government agency he could turn to? Instead he was told to get a private detective and a lawyer to start documenting the misuse of his identity. Wow, screwed over at 16 in America for being American.

  3. Happening in Monroe County / Key West as We speak…

    Some D-bag is suing the County for an ICE hold in the County Jail.

    Already seeing comments in the Local Paper saying

    “He should sue ICE, not us !!!!!” and “Have the County sue ICE”

    Fuggin libtards.

  4. Some drunk assed Mayan illegal immigrant tried to rob me outside a rehearsal studio back in the eighties. Pulled out a cheap ass Knife and waved it drunkenly in my face.
    It did not go as he had planned.
    I imagine he learned his lesson, if getting stabbed with your own knife is a teachable moment.

  5. You know the best part of a complete and total national collapse?

    Yes, it’ll be painful for everyone. Tens of millions will lie dead and unburied. But you can rest in the knowledge that natural law will reassert itself and 97% of the people who, directly or indirectly, promoted the collapse will be dead of violence, disease, starvation or exposure within a month. Taking a really, really big picture view, I’d say that’s a net plus.

    Yes, I’m dead serious because I celebrate justice wherever I can find it.

    Fur, please remove my accidental up-thumb.


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