Beto Has Little Left From His Record-Breaking Fundraising – IOTW Report

Beto Has Little Left From His Record-Breaking Fundraising

DC: Post-election Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings released on Thursday reveal that Democratic Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke burned through almost all of the record-breaking $80 million he raised while campaigning to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

The Beto For Texas campaign had just over $475,000 remaining of cash on hand in the reporting period ending three weeks after the midterm election, according to FEC records. O’Rourke ended with a staggering $80.3 million raised during the 2018 election cycle, compared to Cruz’s much lower, but still respectable $38.9 million.  more here

19 Comments on Beto Has Little Left From His Record-Breaking Fundraising

  1. @Engelburka; Yep, I’d like to see some receipts. With that kind of money the Federal Election watchdog ought to be doing a real serious audit into how and where the money was spent. It’s certainly possible (if not likely) that a decent portion was siphoned off into the pockets of liberal/prog/dems private pockets or causes.

  2. I can believe it just from all the TV ad’s he bought. Seemed like every commercial break for the last 6 weeks leading up to election day, we’d have to listen to one of his insufferable “I visited every county in Texas, and I want to work hard to represent you…” ad’s that offered not one reason what so ever to vote for him. No policy positions, no suggested improvements, just “vote for me” over and over. My kids were flat out sick of him.

    He burned thru $80m and didn’t even try to work on that loose middle block of voters here in Texas. My worry is the next one won’t be so stupid. I do like Ted’s new beard. It helps with the funny smirk of a smile he has.

  3. This guy sucked up political contributions like a black hole sucks in light for a hopeless cause and would not kick any funds back for races that were winnable, In other words, he behaved like the irresponsible overgrown adolescent that he truly is

    And now they want him to run for President. Proggressives are growing more and more childish in their political thinking. And I say this from personal experience — most my brothers and sisters are becoming increasingly childish in their thinking. And these are people who have raised families, been lawyers and successful business people, have grandchildren

    And they were carrying on like overgrown college freshmen about “Beto”. And now of them were from Texas

  4. “Never give a sucker an even break.”
    BO Rourke (I think)

    “Take the money and run.”
    “Well, if they’re dumb enough to donate …”
    “See … it’s all about the money …”
    “We look like giants because we stand upon the broken backs of the poor …”
    (summation of the totalitarian/socialist mindset)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. A true democrat. Take the money and run. Never a blush or tinge of guilt.

    As democrat candidates go, he is earning his creds as a grifter and will be admired for this.

    By Hillary’s standards he’s hardly even a piker. Just teething.

  6. I imagine daily mailings of millions of postcards extolling Beto’s “everyman” image is a good substitute for throwing legitimate advertising into the recycle bin…or fuck it, just flush the dollars and avoid the work.

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