YELLOW VEST protest spreads to to Belgium, Netherlands – IOTW Report

YELLOW VEST protest spreads to to Belgium, Netherlands

Macron’s France: Hundreds Detained as ‘Yellow Jackets’ March on Presidential Palace.

PARIS (AP) – Crowds of yellow-vested protesters angry at President Emmanuel Macron and France’s high taxes tried to march on the presidential palace Saturday, surrounded by exceptional numbers of police bracing for outbreaks of violence after the worst rioting in Paris in decades.

Rows of helmeted, thickly protected riot police blocked the demonstrators’ passage down the Champs-Elysees avenue toward the heart of presidential power. A ring of steel surrounded the Elysee Palace itself as police stationed trucks and reinforced steel barriers in streets throughout the entire neighbourhood.

Prized Paris monuments and normally bustling shopping meccas locked down and tens of thousands of police took position around France. Macron’s government warned that Saturday’s “yellow vest” protests in Paris will be hijacked by “radicalized and rebellious” crowds and become the most dangerous yet after three weeks of demonstrations.


Police Fight Yellow Vests at EU HQ as Protests Spread to Belgium, Netherlands.

BRUSSELS (AP) – Hundreds of yellow-vested protesters calling for the resignation of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel marched on the European quarter of Brussels Saturday, as the movement that started in France made its mark in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Police used pepper spray and scuffled with a small group of protesters who tried to break through their barricade blocking access to the European Parliament and the European Union’s other main institutions.

The rallies, which started at different locations around the city and converged on the European quarter, have disrupted road and rail traffic on one of the busiest Christmas shopping days of the year.

Walking behind a banner reading “social winter is coming,” the protesters chanted “Macron, Michel resign.”



Sacrebleu !! Macron Shuts Down Paris in Attempt To Stop Protests, Deploys 89,000 Police Around France.

Yikes, and a simultaneous ‘Wow’.  French President Emmanuel Macron has officially shut down Paris this weekend in his attempt to stop the “Yellow Vest” populist uprising against current political policies.

The primary tourist venues are all closed; shops ordered to close; windows boarded up; 8,000 police units dispatched to Paris and 89,000 deployed throughout the country.



SNIP: Sorry if it sounds  superficial, but I’m sure somebody is making a killing selling those yellow vests!


14 Comments on YELLOW VEST protest spreads to to Belgium, Netherlands

  1. Pfft! Those cheese eating surrender monkeys aren’t fit to straighten an American PATRIOT’s bowtie! If my country needs me, I’ll be on the couch. Fondling Muh Constitusion.

  2. I’ve read the yellow vests were mandatory (by law) that every citizen carry 2 in their cars. Sounds like a typical “rule” handed down by the EU Commissioners.

    How delicious the irony that the vests are the symbol of the revolution! 😂😂

  3. I happen to own one of those yellow vests. I think I may wear it and stroll around the Sarasota County Democratic Party offices¹ and see what happens.

    1. 7358 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231
    and 2245 Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34237
    Phone: (941) 330-9400

  4. And there won’t be any hope for Maracon’ in France this Christmas time
    The greatest gift they’ll get this year is life(Oooh lah lah)
    Where islam grows
    where blood rivers flow
    Do they know why their protesting at all?

  5. At $8.00 plus a gallon for gas it is a wonder it took this long!

    Those richy-rich types that run things from behind the safety of 100,000 strong and heavily armed police force cannot understand what the problem is because they NEVER pay for their own shit!

    Meanwhile the minority of the French legal citizens that just happen to still be somewhat white can no longer afford to live and have finally rediscovered their roots while grabbing the old pitchforks and barrels of tar…. the looting took care of all the other needs except some dirty politicians to make examples of Gadhafi-style!

    It would be a great Christmas present for the French people to see macaroon dragged down the to the Champs behind a jeep with a stick up his butt so they can all spit and throw stones at him like the true muzzies they have become by surrendering their country to them and repeating history yet again.

    THIS TIME AROUND look to someone else to bail you out and do all the fighting and dying for you!


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