What really matters: Record 156,795,000 Employed in USA, 13th Record-Breaker Under Trump – IOTW Report

What really matters: Record 156,795,000 Employed in USA, 13th Record-Breaker Under Trump

The Last Tradition: This is what’s going to matter come the 2020 elections when Americans deserves a second term. All the rest is just noise.

CNS News reports the November employment report, released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows the economy added 150,000 jobs, well below the (revised) 237,000 added last month.

But the unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent for the third month in a row- MORE

2 Comments on What really matters: Record 156,795,000 Employed in USA, 13th Record-Breaker Under Trump

  1. Bbbbbut the Dow is down 500 pts!…
    People – that is 2% over a week, which has happened a dozen times this year already, but then bumped right back.
    This is the shift from Wall St. to Main St.
    Look for stocks and funds that are based on US manufacturing.

  2. Trump is destroying “globalism”. The U.S. economy is expanding, and everyone else is shrinking — because for decades they have sucked off of us, and Trump’s team is putting the kabosh on that in multifarious ways with a sophisticated and multi-pronged approach.

    This, more than anything else, will take the marbles away from the corrupt players in the swamp — the corporate and foreign government lobbyists, and all the pay for play. It also will enhance our national security.

    Trump watched and pondered and seethed for decades seeing what most of us were unaware of, and what he is doing with the economy (turning it from “Wall Street” to “Main Street” in the terms of Sundance over at CTH) is priority #1. (Priority #2 are our judges; priority #3 is in a way part of priority #1 — our military might.) With these (long-term) elements secured, all else will follow.

    I pray every day for his continued good health.

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