Rep. Jim Jordan Speaks To Judge Pirro About James Comey’s testimony – IOTW Report

Rep. Jim Jordan Speaks To Judge Pirro About James Comey’s testimony

Judge Pirro gets a little snippy in this segment.

11 Comments on Rep. Jim Jordan Speaks To Judge Pirro About James Comey’s testimony

  1. What I wanted to hear him, or anybody in DC say, “Well damn Judge, we’ve been trying to educate the entire US that the law just doesn’t apply to this club here in DC. You people aren’t in the club, so it does apply to all of you. What part of that isn’t getting through?”

  2. i tihink he is going to wait to release the documents until the democrats (especially Schiff get to be in charge then he should drop them on a MONDAY (not friday) that will take all the hot air out of the democrats for a while.

  3. Other parts of her show devolved into people shouting over each other, even worse than Tucker Carlson’s staged interviews with liberals in which they apparently are told to just keep talking robotically over him and not shut up.

    Perhaps why her voice sounds so strained and harsh and she even did it some with Jordan. I’m really tired of this yelling and emoting schtick.

    Fox is degenerating badly.

  4. “Was there any doubt that Paul Ryan repeatedly betrayed the American people and the President of the United States?

    No doubt in my mind.”

    Some of us called it back when he posed for those queer beefcake photos. No way a guy so lacking in awareness of the necessary dignity and gravity of his position could be trusted. Lo and behold, he lied to us repeatedly and shanked us repeatedly. SURPRISE.

    As a politician, he has been, in every possible way, an utter scumbag and a leftist. But I repeat myself.

  5. CATO

    Had you taken out your wallet and paid attention 17 years ago it would have been clear that the liberal Ryan was a GWB/UNIPARTY man! As were the Johns (pun?).

    one of many examples. They all said they were against making taxpayers pay for others’s abortions. But every year since ’01 they all voted to do just that! Increase taxpayer subsidies of abortion. I could write a 10,000 word essay on how these “compassionate conservatives” lefties lie time and time again.

    If you was a few hundred ask!


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