College cancels play by black playwright because it might harm black people – IOTW Report

College cancels play by black playwright because it might harm black people

College Fix:

Silencing artists of color through ‘conversation about care and trauma’

An elite liberal arts college known for disinviting speakers whose viewpoints offended students has canceled a “play-in-progress” because it made student cast members uncomfortable.

The visiting professor who was directing “Beast Thing,” Shayok Misha Chowdhury, withdrew himself as a candidate for a tenure-track position in the theater department because of the “climate” exposed by the cancellation of the play.

In a Facebook post after the play’s cancellation, Chowdhury said the “conversation about care and trauma” on campus was “resulting in artists of color [like himself] being silenced and pushed away from campus.” He plans to stay on the faculty for the rest of the year to “encourage a culture where creation is valued as highly as critique.”

While some cast members said they were upset that a majority of cast members ended up being white, Chowdhury wrote that he heard the play’s content would “disturb and harm audience members—students of color, in particular.”

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8 Comments on College cancels play by black playwright because it might harm black people

  1. Another example of over-educated imbeciles exerting their “superiority” in determining what is acceptable, and what will hurt a community of which they have no idea.
    It is like saying: “This play should not be shown on Mars, some of the residents may not like it”.

  2. Gosh, don’t recall any similar issues with the play Hamilton. We all know this is really about hating and excluding whitey from everything. It’s never enough now for the woke masses.


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