Does Trump Have Authority as CiC to Build the Wall? – IOTW Report

Does Trump Have Authority as CiC to Build the Wall?


If the country is in danger, the U.S. president has authority to defend her using the U.S. military. Is that the situation on the souther border now? Can President Trump essentially bypass Democrats in Congress in defense of the nation?

19 Comments on Does Trump Have Authority as CiC to Build the Wall?

  1. In my learned opinion, (high school diploma) hell yes he has the authority. Anyone that thinks defending our border is not national defense is not only a maroon but a traitor as well.

  2. Yes, he has the authority, but as soon as he starts, dems will file in Federal court in California, and there an Obama-appointed judge will issue a cease and desist order. Years later it will get to the supreme court where Roberts and Cavenaugh will side with the liberals on the bench and uphold the lower court decision. Thomas and Alito will pen a scathing minority decision, and everything will go back to normal, with 100,000 illegals per yer entering through Mexico, just as they have since WW2.

  3. No point in even asking the question. Had Obama wanted to do it without Congress, he’d do what Trump is threatening and the media would have done the Exorcist spider walk finding reasons it’s constitutional. That’s where we are now so just build it, Mr. President.

  4. A wall would be a defensive weapon used to protect Americans from invaders and drug runners. Take the cost out of the defense budget and put some gun mounts in place. DOD could design it and the Corp of Army Engineers could build it.

  5. This is totally off-topic. Sorry. But it’s well-intentioned in the hope that the “Right Angle” will fix this issue:

    The three guys need to do these videos in a different format. Three faces staring forward from different locations and making expressions is disconcerting, distracting from the messaging, and unappealing and off-putting enough that I have felt unable to forward their URLs to people who need to hear what they have to say but are not already “there”. They need to switch off and zone in on the one who is speaking.

  6. Building a wall and securing the border would seem to be the common sense thing to do. But then, common sense died and was buried back in the early sixties.
    The President wants to protect the American people from disease, crime, drugs, and leaches. Nothing more.

  7. I’d rather have 20 walls, than ANOTHER “AIDS prevention study,” or “glo-BULL warming ‘research,'” or “mohammedan NASA outreach,” or other bullPLOP we’ve had to endure as… “gummint”… for 8 years of Shitbama. 😡

  8. The wall was actually authorized by Congress years ago. Bipartisan. The Dems just withheld all funding so technically all DJT would be doing is Congress’s bidding but getting the money some place else (using the Obambi ATM?).

  9. How bout a GREAT wall of America, modeled after GREAT wall of China? Am available to suggest who should be used as filler. Chuck, Nancy, I’m looking at you! Traitors, commies, socialists, MSM, Hollywood, you’re low hanging fruit.

  10. So long as the military’s attention and work is pointed outwards, away from the US civilians, no one should be able to cry “posse comitatus”.
    Which makes anything President Trump does within those boundaries just fine with me.


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