The White House Christmas Party for the Press Will Have to be Held at Hillary’s House this year – IOTW Report

The White House Christmas Party for the Press Will Have to be Held at Hillary’s House this year

CFP: President Donald Trump has made the press the latest “VICTIM”  by cancelling their “decades-old”  White House ‘holiday’ party.  At least according to a Fox News “EXCLUSIVE”.

Not only is the White House soiree for the press not really a ‘holiday’ party but a ‘Christmas’ party, in the non-Fake News world, the cancellation is a brand new twist on the Christmas Grinch, all because the Grinch may have swiped Christmas, but on behalf of the tired-of-media-carping public at large, President Trump has swiped it right back.


Fox rates the press as “a victim of his increasingly contentious relationship with major news organizations”.

LOL!  What about the media’s “contentious relationship” with the president they love to hate?

“The annual Christmas-season gathering was a significant perk for those covering the White House, as well as other Washington reporters, anchors and commentators, and New York media executives would regularly fly in for the occasion. At its peak, the invitation-only soirees grew so large that there were two back-to-back events, one for broadcast outlets and one for print organizations.” (FoxNews EXCLUSIVE, Dec. 13, 2018.)

A more accurate description of the “New York media executives flying in regularly for the occasion” would have included the words and not giving a fig for the carbon footprint their flying in caused when they could later blame “man-made” global warming/climate change on the unsuspecting masses.

“Journalists who attended the events, which featured a catered buffet of lamb chops, crab claws and elaborate desserts, got to roam the decorated mansion with a spouse or other family member, a friend or a colleague, adding to the invitation’s allure. (Fox News EXCLUSIVE)

“But the biggest fringe-benefit was the picture-taking sessions, in which the president and first lady would patiently pose with guests and briefly chat with them in front of a Christmas tree, with the White House sending out the photos — copies of which were invariably sent home to mom. This would take a couple of hours, with long lines snaking across the building’s first floor. Bill Clinton even posed for pictures with journalists days after he was impeached.

Holy roly-poly Cow!

Why can’t the selfie-obsessed media and high-flying executives take selfies at their own news room Christmas parties, the ones most of them describe as ‘holiday’ ones?  MORE HERE

15 Comments on The White House Christmas Party for the Press Will Have to be Held at Hillary’s House this year

  1. Wasn’t the dinner initially given for the JOURNALISTS in APPRECIATION for their PROFESSIONAL role?

    Poorly said, but clear enough to state our “press” is a sham.

  2. If April Ryan attended Lady in Red they’d have to hold it at a Home Town Buffet and they’d still run out of food.

    They’re disappointed they’re not going to a Christmas Party? Most of them are Godless Helots anyway.

  3. Call a prime time press conference under the guise of something else and go ‘off prompter’ to announce the permanent cancellation of the media party. Then explain to the people we will either be saving the money or using it to honor a group of enlisted personnel or LEO. Make a spectacle of it. Since all the outlets will be broadcasting the citizenry will see it first hand. Embarrass the crap out of the LSM.

    Then when the next Dumocrat wins the white house, and they will at some point, let them re-establish the party and, presto! Instant campaign advertisement! Of course, our side will not use it.

  4. Further to @Dolfer’s comment. Trump ought to find out just how much this press party cost taxpayers and make sure he tweets it out in response to any bitching about it being cancelled. Doesn’t even have to be a mean tweet just one that shows him to be careful with the public’s money and note that WH journos have plenty of perks already and don’t need another one.


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