Ebola Outbreak Spreads, Threatens Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan – IOTW Report

Ebola Outbreak Spreads, Threatens Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan

Breitbart: The much-feared spread of Ebola virus from rural regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to larger cities and across the border into neighboring countries may be coming to pass, as the ongoing conflict in the DRC continues to impede the efforts of doctors and aid workers.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that the current outbreak is occurring in the worst of locations: the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri, which are heavily populated, trade heavily across the border with Rwanda and Uganda, and are experiencing a “deteriorating security situation” due to a violent and chaotic insurrection.

Hopes for greater stability in the DRC suffered a setback on Thursday when a fire of unknown origins destroyed an electoral commission depot in the capital of Kinshasa, jeopardizing plans to arrange an orderly exit for President Joseph Kabila, who has lingered in power for two years after the formal end of his term. Kabila advisers blamed “criminals” for setting the fire, while the outgoing president himself promised to hold a “perfect election.” MORE

11 Comments on Ebola Outbreak Spreads, Threatens Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan

  1. Oh, my!
    We’d better send Obola as “Special Ambassador” as soon as possible!
    And John Kerry can go along as his “butt-boy” (to borrow an expression from Mika Brzezinski).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Here in sanctuary Illinois, we have a new form of polio. Then there’s hepatitis, scabies, lice, mumps, measles, herpes and who knows what else.

    Isn’t multiculturalism great!

  3. From above: “…violent and chaotic insurrection.”

    I suppose this is less desirable than a violent and well ordered insurrection.

    We shouldn’t judge though. An excellent case can be made that all the violence from one end of Africa to the other is ‘cultural’, and I need to respect that.

  4. I thank God every day that Trump WON the election. With an adult in charge at the White House, he will quarantine airtravel from Ebola-ridden Third World Shitholes in Africa.


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