Macron Had Helicopter on Standby to Escape – IOTW Report

Macron Had Helicopter on Standby to Escape

Breitbart-French President Emmanuel Macron was not only present at the Élysée Palace during “Act IV” of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests but had a helicopter on standby to escape in case protesters broke in, according to reports.

The French leader fortified the Élysée Palace last Saturday with an unprecedented amount of security, including 500 republican guards, around a hundred police and gendarmes armed with water cannons, and other anti-riot measures, Le Dauphine reports.

Should the protesters have managed to storm the Élysée and get past security, President Macron is also said to have had a helicopter on standby to evacuate him and others in what could have echoed the escape of former Romanian president Nicolae Ceaușescu, who fled a popular uprising by helicopter during the collapse of his Communist regime on December 22, 1989.

Witnesses at the Élysée last Saturday described the French leader as “like marble” in front of the protests that not only saw high levels of violence in Paris but also in other French cities like Toulouse and Bordeaux. more

13 Comments on Macron Had Helicopter on Standby to Escape

  1. @RightWinger December 15, 2018 at 9:21 am

    > Curse Da Vinci for not building a flying machine before the French Revolution circa 1789!

    Curse Da Vinci for not building a flying guillotine.

  2. Echoes of
    Charles de Gaulle
    who escaped the Nazi invasion

    by hiding in his family’s castle in

    SCOTLAND. Whence from

    He ” courageously ” urged his countrymen to resist.

    After the USA liberated France
    Charles of Gaul courageously marched thru Paree
    as if he alone had liberated them.

    American Josephine Baker was a far greater hero
    than Gaul ever dreamed of being.


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