I Am Yellow Vest – IOTW Report

I Am Yellow Vest

CFP:  I Am Yellow Vest.

A grassroots movement made up of citizens who have become fed up with the political establishment in France has been growing since early November and it has come to a head this month. The movement, known as “gilets jaunes” or “yellow vests” began as an anti-tax protest but has since merged folks from the left and the right into a much broader anti-government movement. The movement has become so large that political experts are now calling it a “new revolution.” [emphasis added]—Matt Agorist “‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Spreading Globally as Citizens Rise Up Against Corrupt Governments”

The yellow vest (gilets jaunes) movement in France has grown from a protest against increased gas taxes to a broad coalition of anti-government demonstrators drawing from both sides of the political spectrum. It is truly a grassroots populist movement, with no individual leader or organization directing it—think Tea Party fused with Bernie supporters.


Les Gilets Jaunes, the yellow vests, is a movement of the people, but it is worth noting that elements within the French military are none too happy as well.  Recently French General Antoine Martinez penned a letter to French President Macron warning him that he was treading dangerously close to treason.  The letter was signed by an additional 11 French generals, a former Minister of Defense, and an admiral.  Hmm…coup d’etat, that’s French right?  MORE

9 Comments on I Am Yellow Vest

  1. “…merged folks from the left and the right into a much broader anti-government movement.”
    “..a broad coalition of anti-government demonstrators drawing from both sides of the political spectrum.”
    Nothing good can come from this.


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