British School District To Teach 8-Year-Olds That People ‘Of All Genders’ Can Have Periods – IOTW Report

British School District To Teach 8-Year-Olds That People ‘Of All Genders’ Can Have Periods

DC: A British school district approved new sex education lessons that include teaching students as young as 8 years old that people “of all genders” can have periods.

Brighton & Hove City Council reportedly approved the advice to teachers following a council report that said, “Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods,” and that “menstruation must be inclusive of all genders,” according to Daily Mail.

The attempt to address the stigma surrounding menstruation in the sex education classes is considered a victory for those campaigning for transgender rights.

The report also ordered that “bins for used period products are provided in all toilets” for children.  MORE

20 Comments on British School District To Teach 8-Year-Olds That People ‘Of All Genders’ Can Have Periods

  1. Well, yeah, you know, there are just periods where I’m pissed-off and feel like biting Liberal’s heads off. Then there are other periods when I’m all accommodating and stuff and regret those periods when I wasn’t my usual nice, Irish self. Once, there was a period when I didn’t experience those periods and was even willing to talk to Liberals. Then, I made the mistake of dating a Liberal without knowing it until later and that began a period when I was doubtful about my ability to judge women, period. Fortunately, that period is over and now I can spot a Liberal woman from a mile away. I won’t have nothin’ to do with her, period.

  2. The Land of Hope and Glory has become the Land of Dopes and Gutless Wonders.

    With this attitude, how much longer will it be before the Call to Prayer is being blasted out of Saint Paul’s Mosque five times a day?

  3. She is correct. The school day was divided into 8 periods. Everybody had periods.
    But that is an equivocation on the term period, used to delineate hours of class time.

  4. XX = Female
    XY = Male

    Chromosomes do not lie. There are a handful of genetic disorders/diseases with messed up sex chromosomes, but that is a defect, not an excuse. SCIENCE!

    I refuse to ever accept nonsense that they are trying to foist on us. There are only two SEXES. Gender is a term used in some languages.

  5. The next US Census should be in 2020.

    This should be entertaining. By then the M/F for each resident will be wide open and I suspect this audience will goof with their answers just a bit. /snicker/.

  6. What is actually scary about all of this is that when confronted with the fact that they’re not real woman or that they cannot in fact have a period and be a man, these dysphoric, brainwashed creatures could very easily snap (like any mentally ill person when challenged), and attack. Maybe seriously injure someone.

    I’m telling you, the left is making a mass group of serial killers and assailants. It needs to stop.


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