New York’s War on Faith-Based Adoption Providers Is Only Hurting Children – IOTW Report

New York’s War on Faith-Based Adoption Providers Is Only Hurting Children

Daily Signal:

State officials have issued New Hope Family Services in Syracuse, New York, an ultimatum: Violate your religious beliefs, or stop serving kids in need.

Unless the faith-based adoption provider stops placing children only in homes that have a married mother and father, the state has threatened to stop its adoption services immediately.

New Hope has placed over 1,000 children in homes since opening its doors in 1965. In fact, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services congratulated New Hope for “a number of strengths in providing adoption services within the community.”

Unfortunately, the same agency that once praised New Hope Family Services for its work is now threatening to effectively shut it down.  more here

9 Comments on New York’s War on Faith-Based Adoption Providers Is Only Hurting Children

  1. Yes. Progressivisn is invested in increasing innocent human suffering misery and death.

    Abortion might be, a partial, cure…. if it were not for the intractables. ….Lady in Red

  2. Watch “The Cider House Rules,” a brilliant movie with Michael Caine and the kid from “Seabisket.” Watch that. Then, support forced birthing.

    You cannot. …smile… …Lady in Red

  3. So the kids are supposed to be placed with mental patients. How about placing them with homeless and illegals? Why not put ads in Craig’s list: pedophiles wanted

    Ya know, diversity.

  4. @LIR – Please tell us what method you use to determine how a fetus will grow up to be a hindrance or a proponent of society.
    Should we just abort all children in 3rd world countries? How about inner cities? Color, what about color? Adolph and the boys had much the same idea as you.

    Yes they did…frown….F4U


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