Trump DOJ Announces Bump-Stock Ban, Confiscation – IOTW Report

Trump DOJ Announces Bump-Stock Ban, Confiscation

Gun-rights groups criticized the DOJ for the ban and how it plans to institute it—some are already taking legal action.


WFB: The Department of Justice announced on Tuesday it will effectively ban the possession of all bump-fire stocks through a new regulatory rule.

Senior DOJ officials told reporters it would become a felony to own a bump-stock within 90 days of the new rule’s publication. They estimated March 21, 2019, would be the deadline for the public to turn in or destroy their bump stocks. The officials said they would prosecute those who do not comply with that deadline.

“We anticipate that the general public will be compliant with the law,” a senior official said. “To the extent someone chooses not to comply with the law, we will treat this as we do with all firearms offenses. We will prioritize our resources to maximize public safety, focusing on those that pose the greatest threat. We will enforce the statute based on the circumstances of the individual case as we do with all firearms law.”

The new rule rewrites current law prohibiting machineguns to incorporate bump stocks. The National Firearms Act of 1934 defines a machinegun as “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.” The operation of bump-stocks requires an individual trigger pull for each individual round fired. The DOJ nevertheless decided they “initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger.”

Bump-fire works by utilizing a firearm’s recoil impulse to help the shooter actuate the trigger more quickly than with traditional shooting techniques. To complete the technique, the shooter holds his finger stationary inside the trigger guard and uses their non-trigger hand to push the firearm’s trigger into the stationary finger. If done correctly, the recoil generated from each shot then pushes the firearm backwards far enough to reset the trigger. The forward force applied by the non-trigger hand then pushes the trigger back against the stationary trigger finger causing another round to be fired.

Bump-stocks allow the stock and pistol grip of a semiautomatic rifle to slide independently of the rest of the rifle, which assists in accomplishing the bump-fire technique by allowing the shooter to hold onto the grip and keep the stock pressed against the shoulder. The technique can still be accomplished without the specialized stocks.

DOJ admitted in its final rule that the trigger resets with each shot taken using a bump-stock but insisted it did not require the trigger to be pulled for each shot.

“Specifically, these devices convert an otherwise semiautomatic firearm into a machinegun by functioning as a self-acting or self-regulating mechanism that harnesses the recoil energy of the semiautomatic firearm in a manner that allows the trigger to reset and continue firing without additional physical manipulation of the trigger by the shooter,” the rule states. “Hence, a semiautomatic firearm to which a bump-stock-type device is attached is able to produce automatic fire with a single pull of the trigger.”

DOJ officials could not explain the apparent contradiction further during the call with reporters. When asked why it believed the determination only applied to bump stocks and not any semiautomatic firearm capable of bump fire even without the specialized stocks, the officials couldn’t explain other than to say the agency only examined the question of the legality of the stocks and not the shooting technique itself.

“The rule addresses bump-stock type devices,” a senior official said. “It does not extend to firing techniques that are accomplished without mechanical devices such as a bump stock.”  more

33 Comments on Trump DOJ Announces Bump-Stock Ban, Confiscation

  1. Gotta part way with DJT here. In fact I’m a little pissed. A bump stock depresses the trigger every time to fire the weapon. Ergo it’s a semi automatic. WTF? Many ways to accomplish the same results. DJT has just emboldened the Democrat Anti Gun machine. Very poorly timed. The silence of the NRA is deafening. GOA has already filed the Law Suite.

  2. So, the rat bastards at the DOJ are going to administer selective enforcement regarding the new rule. Gee, just like when they let Hillary Clinton and others get away with breaking the law and then crucify those they don’t like for doing things less serious. How special. The DOJ can kiss my lily-white, deplorable ass.

  3. “…“Hence, a semiautomatic firearm to which a bump-stock-type device is attached is able to produce automatic fire with a single pull of the trigger.”
    No, not at all. If the trigger is depressed once on a bump stock fitted gun, and then the finger is removed from the trigger, the gun does not fire more than once. By extension of what they are saying, the gun would continue to fire after the initial trigger pull, regardless of additional trigger pulls or not.

    “…The technique can still be accomplished without the specialized stocks.”
    If one doesn’t mind firing ‘from the hip’, a belt loop can be utilized to accomplish about the same function. Which leaves me wondering if belt loops will be next to be confiscated.

    This is a first step to confiscate or limit semi automatic weapons. Their language tells me that, where they repeatedly say that other ‘techniques or methods’ can accomplish the same thing.

  4. The incremental creep moves forward thanks to yet another traitorous politician with a GIANT yellow streak down his back and a nasty twatter war for anyone who disses him…Trump.

    I am sorry to say that he lost my vote in 2020 over this and his caving on the border wall to the demoncrats, but the WORST is pledging 10 billion dollars to Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras to improve THEIR way of life in the form of jobs and infrastructure for THEM with our tax dollars….quite a reward for flooding our nation with illegals when just the other day Trump cut off ALL foreign aid to the golden triangle for helping the invaders into our nation.

    Worst Christmas ever!

  5. NOW the DoiJ decides to get active and “do something”.
    Never mind all the REAL LAWS that have been broken by Hellary, Comey, Mueller, et al.
    I see that now we really do have a two tier “justice” system.
    And this anti bump-stock isn’t even a law, passed by Kongress and signed by the President. It’s a bureaucratic diktat, pulled out of thin air, and enforced by fat asses.

  6. Stupid cave to the gun grabbers. You can accomplish the same thing the bump stock does by hooking your thumb in a belt loop and with the same hand pull the trigger.
    NEVER give them even an inch.

  7. Government making honorable, patriotic, law abiding citizens felons by the stroke of a regulatory pen.

    “Shall not be Infringed” is just a cliche’.
    The Constitution has become a worthless piece of paper to be ignored by government agencies and elected officials……

  8. @cato December 19, 2018 at 8:17 am

    > Government making honorable, patriotic, law abiding citizens felons by the stroke of a regulatory pen.

    Live by The Party, die for The Party.

  9. A guy at work made the same effect by holding the rifle with his hand jigged in his belt loop.
    So … are the asshole anti-Constitutional (anti-Bill-of-Rights, actually) maggots at DOJ gonna confiscate all belt loops?

    Fuck these morons. Disingenuous lying sacks of monkey-shit would-by tyrants.
    Would profit them much to familiarize themselves with Newton’s Third Law …

    “… those … who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”
    (Thebes, 366 BC)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. @Rick – Not “dangerously close” but actually there. I know a number of people who don’t much care for DJT but voted for him in 2016 because they thought he was absolutely nowhere near as bad as H-Rod would be, and he was planning on upsetting the status quo on a lot of things that suck.

    DJT just lost a couple million votes for 2020.

  11. I don’t care who is in office and that includes Trump who I have been a strong supporter of, it is bullshit. I might could have dealt with banning the manufacturing of bump stocks, although they’re pretty useless anyway and few own them or have a desire to own them. Instead they take it a step farther and say either turn them in, destroy them or we will prosecute you as a felon. Every Trump supporter would be up in arms over this if anyone else, especially a democrat had done this, so each should feel the same that Trump did it and I know there are many that are, but some who are defending him. He deserves no defense and should be called out for it.

  12. if I had purchased a bump stock legally and then it was banned by misinformed politicians then why am I financially penalized. Where is my restitution? You asshole pols changed the rules, I didn’t.

  13. @Uncle Al December 19, 2018 at 9:32 am

    “I know a number of people who don’t much care for DJT but voted for him in 2016 because they thought he was absolutely nowhere near as bad as H-Rod would be”

    “DJT just lost a couple million votes for 2020”

    Here, hold my latte.

  14. Anyone who has fired a bump stock equipped rifle can tell you that it takes a lot of practice to operate with any accuracy. The bump stock is of little use without lots of practice. As far a I know, gang bangers don’t spend much time training. To me this is just more government treachery. The thought that one man with a bump stock on a rifle, killed all those people in Vegas is crazy. Just like this law.
    I think we are up to eight citizens killed in their homes for not turning in their guns under the red flag laws. They are coming. Slowly, but they are on the move. It never stops.

  15. Sad to say this is a reflection of those New York ekitist values sneaking in on his policies. Trump is adamant about getting rid of bumper stocks and the DOJ is more than overjoyed. Hopefully, Trump will realize by 2020 how contrary this policy is to the 2nd amendment. Appeasing the left never works.

  16. “We anticipate that the general public will be compliant with the law”
    Yeah, right. I’m sure the lines will stretch around the block, right along side the “10 Rounds Good, 11 Rounds Bad” line

  17. 2 years of watching the Master at work, and most of y’all still have not figured out how he operates? I am rather disappointed in ya.
    DJT just set up the BATFE for a massive ass kicking, (in court) resulting in (hopefully) their dismantling. This new “rule” is so retarded, there is only the 9th court that could agree with it.
    Put this another way….how many bump-stocks are in circulation? Not very many. Would you rather have a SCOTUS decision riding on your AR, or some stupid piece of plastic that is not even needed for anyone that practices to shoot fast with their semi-auto firearm?
    For all you saying that DJT just lost your vote: STFU and THINK! If not DJT, WHO???? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Grow up and wake up, and pay attention. DJT is taking care of business, whether you understand/agree or not.
    This is actually a GOOD thing.


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