Queen of Meme – IOTW Report

Queen of Meme

No, she didn’t actually say this.  But, give it time. LOL!

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

25 Comments on Queen of Meme

  1. She’s in the wrong ‘house’. She’ll want the type of apologies that Corbyn of UK Labour, and the PM of NZ, Ardern, have been pressured into today.
    ‘stupid woman’ vs. simple, Simon.

  2. “@WDS: “She’s gonna be great in her C-Span speech debut.”

    She thinks so; she is already requesting an encore on D-span.”

    …@Tony R, I think she’s more likely to INSIST on A-Span, since she thinks the progessive children like her who already know EVERYTHING should ALWAYS be given the BEST, and A-Span = A-list…

  3. While it’s true that she is tailor-made for memes, sadly, despite the abundance of low-hanging fruit she provides, I’ve seen some incredibly shitty AOC memes on Twitter and elsewhere. This is like failing to hit the ball in a T-ball game. How the hell can you fuck up a meme with this woman? And yet…

  4. “Don’t laugh — the voters in NYC are so stupid that this dummy may last as long as Pelosi, the Queen of Botox.”

    Hard to believe that there could be someone uglier and crazier than Nan – but she IS kind of a young Pelosi (D’Alesandro), isn’t she?

    Batshit crazy and corrupt to the core – they even look alike.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. She’s like the 9 year-old kid who gets to be firefighter for the day. Most kids realize it’s a make-believe thing. She’s like the little kid who got elected representative. She’s in way over her head, but doesn’t realize it.

  6. “She still hasn’t figured out who closes the the door when the bus driver gets off.”

    I know, right? And why is my bus so short? All the buses should be long!

  7. Dianny, I don’t know why people feel they have to make up quotes for her. She’s generous to a fault with the real stuff…

    “For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed.”


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