It appears Pope Francis is ignorant of the Bible – IOTW Report

It appears Pope Francis is ignorant of the Bible

PATRIOT RETORT: Pope Francis might want to take a break from flogging Climate Change and bone up on the Bible.

Heck, I’d be satisfied if he just reread the first few chapters of the Gospel of Luke.

Pope Francis


Jesus knows well the pain of not being welcomed. May our hearts not be closed as were the houses in Bethlehem.  


23 Comments on It appears Pope Francis is ignorant of the Bible

  1. While everyone else was studying Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, he was memorizing Marx and Alinsky. BTW, auto-spell can’t figure out the names of the Gospels but it nails the other two guys.

  2. NO. Pope is a Communist and a liar. 25 years ago I had 2 friends who were refugees from Hugo’s bloody Coup. The MSM lied and called this violent overthrow of the government “an election”. It was a Communist Coup detat. Francis at the time was THE LEADER of the pro Communist SJ for all of South America. He not only praised Castro but praised Hugo saying those he murdered were the agents of the Devil.- A phrase he has used ofter the last 2 months.

    My friends were both angry and shocked at The Church’s praise for Communist killers. Both said they thought about leaving the Church. I doubt either did. But the point is Francis has been a liar and a Communist for over 30 years! Still is!

  3. The Pope ignores my emails & pleas for him to get the heck out of Dodge. But to be fair, he was born & raised in Argentina–you know, ‘Don’t Cry For Me’– and even though it’s not an excuse I’m FORCED to cut him slack. Pray that he steps down soon. Maybe tomorrow.

  4. I particularly enjoy it when ‘da Pope’ & other try to equate the whole Nativity narrative w/ Jesus, Mary & Joseph being homeless, when they were just obeying Government Decree to return to their hometowns for the Census … taxation …
    do not believe for a moment any of this is just misinterpretation or stupidity … it’s diabolically deliberate

  5. Meanwhile, the Catholic Church even advertises that they are tie one true church founded by Jesus as they misinterpreted the entire exchange where he refers to Simon as Peter (the rock) and claim he, Simon Peter, was the first pope.
    They developed the idiotic priestly celebs by, despite Simon having been married.
    They place Mary at about the same level as Jesus and pray through her.
    They create saints.
    They prohibit divorce, but grant special annulments for rich people like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry.
    They practically worship some old liberal nut like this pope.

  6. ahhh, the pope of discord speaks with an evil tongue.
    he was memorizing Marx and Alinsky
    Duh, he’s a Marxist
    installed by the Soros-type globalist Marxists
    “But I really didn’t expect the Pope to be among those who peddles this phony narrative.” – kidding right? he would be among the first to peddle a phony narrative it seems.
    his flock would be much safer if he would just DROP DEAD!!
    The Pope ignores my emails & pleas for him to get the heck out of Dodge.
    Pope’s only care about the Bible so far as they can use it to control you and yours, the details after that are inconsequential.

    Greatest Book ever sold, bought, taught believed and now being some supportive and others not?
    Love this thread speaks so much of learned accepted mental controlled insanity and self-hatred.
    That’s what I have learned and rejected from the church.
    The Pope is a tool, now and always was.
    Just stop dis-deprecating people for who they are, no different form yourself.

    Just pointing out all the views from above.
    Best regards to all IOTW.

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