John McCain Associate Gave Dossier To BuzzFeed – IOTW Report

John McCain Associate Gave Dossier To BuzzFeed

DC: A longtime associate of late Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain provided a copy of the infamous Steele dossier to BuzzFeed News, according to an explosive court filing released Wednesday.

David Kramer, a former State Department official who was an executive at the McCain Institute, met on Dec. 29, 2016 with BuzzFeed reporter Ken Bensinger, according to a filing submitted Wednesday by U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro.

BuzzFeed published the dossier, which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele, on Jan. 10, 2017.

The disclosure was made as part of a final report ahead of Ungaro’s ruling in favor of BuzzFeed in a defamation lawsuit.

The revelation that Kramer was BuzzFeed’s source settles one of the main mysteries of the dossier, which alleges a vast conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian government to influence the 2016 election.

According to Ungaro, BuzzFeed and Kramer dispute how Bensinger obtained a copy of the dossier.

“The parties dispute whether Kramer gave Bensinger a copy or whether Bensinger took photos of the Dossier when Kramer was not looking,” reads a footnote in Ungaro’s filing.

“Kramer testified that Bensinger took photos of the Dossier when Kramer was out of the room, even though he asked Bensinger not to,” wrote Ungaro, adding that, “in a later declaration, Kramer stated that he had no objection to Bensinger taking a hard copy and had provided hard copies to other journalists.”

The other journalists Kramer met with are not identified.

Kramer obtained copies of the dossier after meeting in late November 2016 with Steele. He and McCain became aware of Steele’s investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump earlier that month at the Halifax International Security Forum.  more here


See Also:

BuzzFeed Wins Lawsuit Over Steele Dossier.

A federal judge in Florida on Wednesday ruled in favor of BuzzFeed News in a defamation lawsuit over the outlet’s publication of the infamous and unverified Steele dossier.

BuzzFeed published the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele on Jan. 10, 2017. The 35-page report alleged a vast conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian government to influence the election.

The defamation lawsuit, filed Feb. 2, 2017, focused on allegations made in the final memo against Alexis Gubarev, a Russian tech executive with companies in Cyprus.

In a memo dated Dec. 13, 2016, Steele alleged Gubarev used his web hosting companies to hack into Democrats’ computer networks using viruses, bots and malware.  MORE


9 Comments on John McCain Associate Gave Dossier To BuzzFeed

  1. GWB and his entire clan have hated Don for at least 3 years! That his puppet did this is not news! Was news in ’16. Gwb is still working hard to destroy don : Brennan, Clapper, L. Lerner, Comey, Muller et al are all America haters promoted by GWB to destroy America First folk. Trump just happened to be to guy’ but any America lover the GWB folk would try to destroy.

  2. like I said, there are no ‘liberals’ or ‘conservatives’, ‘democRats’ or ‘republicans’ in politics … they are all the same, they are all against us
    the enemy is the Oligarchy. the Communists, socialists, antifas, anarchists, nihilists, Congress, the Judiciary, the whole government, federal, state & local … they are all, fundamentally, Anti-American … they want to disarm us, tell us what to do, how & where to live, how to behave, control our speech, tell us what to eat, how to think, how to raise our children, how & where we should spend our money, whom we should like …. & in particular, whom we should hate.

    … & they are winning …. now, shut up, plug me back into the matrix … & pass the soma

  3. Read the Wiki on David Kramer … Goes to school, receives degrees and begins to study russia and has relatives there. Spends his entire life writing reports and or books that no one reads and his life is a waste – no effect from his being alive. Outside of $, what is the reason someone can do this?

  4. Can’t wait to watch The View tomorrow to see Megan ‘Daddy’s Lil Dumpling” McCain be shocked and admit that her corruptocrat father was a petty POS snake.

    bwa ha ha She’ll never admit that!


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