Senate Passes Stop-Gap Spending Bill to Avoid Shutdown, Meadows Calls For Veto – IOTW Report

Senate Passes Stop-Gap Spending Bill to Avoid Shutdown, Meadows Calls For Veto

Breitbart: The Senate passed a short-term spending bill on Wednesday night that would avoid a government shutdown as well as a fight over wall funding.

The Senate passed a continuing resolution (CR) spending bill by voice vote on Wednesday night. The spending bill would fund the government through February 8 and would avoid any potential fight over border wall funding until the new year.

The House can take up the CR as early as Thursday and could shortly send the bill to President Donald Trump’s desk to sign. If Trump does not approve the bill by Friday, the government would partially shut down.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel said on Wednesday that they will address the government funding fight when they return in February.

The Kentucky Republican said, “There will be important unfinished business in front of us, and we’ll owe it to the American people to finally tackle it.”

McConnell said on Wednesday that Democrat opposition made it harder to pass a spending bill that includes border wall funding:

I’m sorry that my Democratic colleagues couldn’t put the partisanship aside and show the same goo-faith flexibility that the president has shown in order to provide the resources our nation needs to secure the integrity of our borders as well as the safety of American families. But this seems to be the reality of our political moment.

The legislation arose as President Trump recently relented on his recent demands that Congress ensure $5 billion in border wall funding in the December spending bill and signaled that he would accept less border wall and border security funding.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Wednesday that Trump would “certainly” look at the CR if it were to come to Trump’s desk.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), the second highest-ranking Senate Republican, said that although the president remains unhappy with the CR, they believe that he will sign it because they kept other, more controversial measures on the bill.

Cornyn said, “I think the message is don’t add anything else to it. He’s not happy about that [a continuing resolution], but he understands the reality.”

Meanwhile, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC), along with many other House conservatives, led a special order on Wednesday night calling on Congress to fund Trump’s proposed border wall. Meadows also called for Trump to veto the spending bill. MORE



Mark Meadows: President Trump, Veto this Spending Bill, Fight for the Wall.

18 Comments on Senate Passes Stop-Gap Spending Bill to Avoid Shutdown, Meadows Calls For Veto


    My aching head. If a business man runs a bluff and see’s it not panning out. Whats he do? Results, winning, is the deal. Having said that I’m more than pissed about the Bump Stock confiscation.

  2. I guess we’ll know by Friday night whether he was bluffing about a shutdown or not.

    As far as the bump stock issue, the Supreme Court will probably have the final say after all the appeals. If it goes against us, we can expect the AR-15 to be attacked mercilessly.

    I’m still not giving up my guns regardless.


    Trumps faked left and dove hard right many times. did he underestimate Schumer’s resolve? I don’t think he’s that stupid. However I don’t see Schumer giving in. He’ll just keep tweeting his bull shit Hispanic message to Venezuela. Kind of weird. If Trump doesn’t have something up his sleeve I will need to reconsider my confidence in the man. The Bump stock legislation will enable the FEDS to establish the acceptable rate of fire for a Semi Auto. Where the fuck was Don Jr on this?

  4. I am hoping Trump has a “PLAN” to get the funding. How about NO aid to ISRAEL next year and use it to fund the wall. Can you hear the screaming then from the zionists???????????

  5. I’ve been on the so called Trump train from the beginning and I haven’t jumped off yet, but there comes a point where he’s going to have to start doing what he says. I get he has to fight Republicans and Democrats and the deep state, but so far they seem to be winning and he really shot himself in the foot with the ignorant bump stock ban and this will be another shot if he gives in to them after saying the last time he wouldn’t do this again.

  6. “The border wall was Trump’s signature campaign promise.. Like when George H. W. Bush famously said, “Read my lips. No new taxes,” Trump’s failure to deliver on the wall will destroy any chance he has for re-election. He simply must do it.”
    – James Woods


  7. This rant is from Mighty Mojo, I hit the button too soon.

    I consider ‘Lock Her Up’ to be a devastating failure. Failing to clean the DOJ, FBI, and Stare Departments was and is a continuing failure!

    The Sessions appointment was a huge mistake. You don’t get a rat to clean the junkyard.

    And I consider this capitulation to Congress a horrible betrayal, not because of the 5 billion dollar request, but he took the 1.6 billion already ageeed to off the table, also! That is pure and simple betrayal of his fight.

    Now pulling out of Syria….and announcing it like damn obamination did the Iraq withdrawal.

    It’s not that we don’t want these damn political wars to end; its that if we leave during half-time, we have another damn and bigger mess to clean up.

    I’m tired of our children going to “save” countries who don’t give a damn. And I’m tired of ILLEGAL ALIENS coming into our country, demanding everything that we have paid taxes for for years. Social security: I’d like to know just how many ILLEGALS are draining that fund. Medicaid: yes it’s a state program, but paid for with both state and federal funds. Welfare programs: free for all, unless you are American. Then you need ID, birth certificates, and whatever to get your small share.

    President Trump is really starting to look like a one term president. I hated obamination, but did he let judges rule him? Holder and obamination told judges that if you don’t like a law, don’t enforce it. THAT is still in effect. President Trump can do the same.

    He should fire Mueller and appoint another head of the investigation RIGHT NOW!

    I want to see his ‘kick corruption in the ass” campaign, again. Otherwise he is looking like that deflated Trump baby ballon of London.

  8. McConnel, Schumer Pelosi and Ryan just whipped out a middle finger to POTUS. I would imagine that steam is coming out of DJT’s ears right now. I can’t wait for his revenge.

  9. Kicked the fight for wall funding right into the dem-majority House where, if it happens at all, will be an even tougher battle. Goddamn uniparty.

    Remember the line in “No Country For Old Men” where the sheriff says the only thing lower than a politician is a child molester? I think he had that backwards.

  10. From September, 2018:

    “There are a lot of things that I’m unhappy about in this bill,” Mr. Trump said during a hastily called event at the White House, where the president placed his hand on a foot-high copy of the 2,232-page bill he said he had just signed. “There are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill. But we were, in a sense, forced — if we want to build our military — we were forced to have. There are some things that we should have in the bill.”

    In a rambling and disjointed statement from the Diplomatic Reception Room, Mr. Trump called the process that yielded the legislation “this ridiculous situation,” and he warned, “I will never sign another bill like this again — I’m not going to do it again.”

    Until next time….

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