Congress Hides a ‘Pot of Money:’ Fines on Illegal Aliens, Remittance Tax – IOTW Report

Congress Hides a ‘Pot of Money:’ Fines on Illegal Aliens, Remittance Tax


While President Trump looks to minimal sources to continue funding more United States-Mexico border construction projects — mainly bollard-style fencing — Congress is hiding some of the most commonly proposed sources of money.

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the administration was looking to “specific pots of money” to fund the bollard fencing that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been constructing in San Diego, California; Calexico, California; El Paso, Texas; and Santa Teresa, New Mexico.

As Breitbart News Political Editor Matt Boyle notes, Sanders and the Trump administration have provided no details as to where such funding would come from.

Two funding sources most commonly invoked by conservatives — fines on illegal aliens and taxing remittances — are tied up behind a Republican-controlled Congress that has provided less than $2 billion so far for border barriers under Trump.

Even if Trump wanted the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to use fines, asset seizures, and other financial penalties to pay for the $25 billion southern border bollard fence, the money would have to be appropriated through Congress, experts tell Breitbart News.

Unlike the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency, which has near full control over its revenues, ICE revenues largely go to the Treasury Department.

This, for example, makes it impossible for Trump to use the roughly $10.2 million that businesses were fined in Fiscal Year 2018 for hiring illegal aliens by ICE for the bollard fence without the money being approved by Congress.

Even when ICE seizes the assets of illegal aliens living in the U.S., that revenue goes into a separate forfeiture fund that is restricted for use by federal rules, an immigration expert says.

The second alternative revenue source has been touted for years by proponents of a national immigration policy that benefits American citizens is taxing remittances.  more here

9 Comments on Congress Hides a ‘Pot of Money:’ Fines on Illegal Aliens, Remittance Tax

  1. Washington is completely out of control and needs to be shutdown and rebuilt. Voting doesn’t work, they just keep financing pals to run in elections, so just who will you vote for that has you in mind to do what you ask for?? Yea that’s right no one.

  2. Trump is letting us down. I thought with Oval Office stunt with Pelosi and Schumer that he was going to fight and take a stand.
    well I was wrong.
    He and the conservatives have the winning argument, the people want the wall, you control all 3 branches now, use your pulpit and hammer the demo and weak GOP.

    If he doesn’t stand and fight and veto this CR he will not get a wall ever.

  3. The Republicans had a chance to do what the Americans wanted for 2 years!
    They have a chance, now, for the next two weeks.
    McConnell can construct the vote to pass at 51 and Ryan could leave as a Hero but both are so Treasonous, so Anti-American, so Pro-Globaloney that they would rather bring shame and ignominy on themselves and their party than take one necessary step to protect us.
    Fuck them.
    Unfortunately for America, the two-party stranglehold (which is really just two sides of the same anti-American party) on the Electoral Fraud Machine prevents Americans from being elected to Office.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tim, Trump could’ve done a lot more to pressure McConnel and Ryan. He has the bully pulpit and could’ve used it to pressure them. He is letting McConnel run the show. So shame on Trump in this debacle too. He looks foolish now after making that stunt with Pelosi and Schumer and then you fold a week later.
    Very disapponted in Trump, McConnell, and Ryan.

  5. Tax remittances. Tax them at 60%.
    Use the money to pay for the wall, and medical care of illegals swelling the emergency rooms, and the fraud they commit with identity theft.
    Or, make it mandatory to use E-verify or a valid Visa to send money out of the country. Illegal aliens sending illegally made money to another country should pay for the privilege


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