Ohio: Son of Mailman Vetoes Protections for Gun Owners – IOTW Report

Ohio: Son of Mailman Vetoes Protections for Gun Owners

Bretibart: Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) vetoed protections for gun owners on Wednesday and criticized Republican lawmakers for not giving him a firearm confiscation bill to sign.

NBC4 and the AP reported that the bill Kasich vetoed would have put the onus on the state in situations where a Ohioan claimed self-defense in shooting incident.

Kasich said:

This bill would reverse the burden of proof in criminal cases in which the defendant alleges he or she acted in self-defense.  The bill would require the prosecution to disprove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant’s self-defense allegation.  This has never been the law in Ohio; the defendant has always had the burden of proving self-defense.

He also pointed to his past support of pro-Second Amendment bills as a way to offset his veto of protections for gun owners who may have to shoot in self-defense.  MORE

11 Comments on Ohio: Son of Mailman Vetoes Protections for Gun Owners

  1. I don’t expect the new GOP Governor (DeWine) to be any better.
    But, I would like for this legislation be one of the first put on his desk, then we’ll see if a leopard can change his spots.

  2. Clearly a pit bull should’ve bitten his father’s nuts off, PRIOR to September of ’51. 😡

    “Gov. John Kasich (R)” – I’d say the “R” in his case, stands for “retarded.” But that would be an insult to MY son with Mental Retardation. He can’t help his; Kasich EMBRACES his. 😳

  3. As the Son of a Son of a Mailman

    I went out on the Route for adventures

    forcing My views of the captain and crew

    Like a man who’s going to need dentures

    As a stealer of dreams and a travelin’ man

    I have chalked up many a mile

    Read dozens of books about zeroes and crooks

    And I learned much from both of their styles

    Son of a son, son of a son
    Son of a son of a Mailer
    Son of a gun, take all the guns
    Just another un-American failure

    (With no apologies to the Socialist Dimwit Jimmy Buffet)

  4. So he vetoed a bill that would have required the prosecution to follow the constitution? What ever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”? With asset forfeiture laws, and gun seizure protective orders, I don’t recognize my country anymore.


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