Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Policy Is Correct, But Communicated Horribly – IOTW Report

Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Policy Is Correct, But Communicated Horribly

The Federalist: “Trump Criticized For Breaking With Longstanding American Tradition Of Remaining In Middle Eastern Countries Indefinitely,” joked the Babylon Bee upon the news President Donald Trump is bringing troops home from Syria, but the joke wasn’t far from the truth at all.

The news deeply angered the Washington foreign policy consensus, which argues that troops should stay in the region indefinitely even though the stated mission of defeating ISIS has been accomplished.

It’s true that Trump’s decision to depart Syria was sudden and poorly communicated. Viewed one way, however, it was not a complete surprise. Since at least 2013, Trump has repeatedly argued against the idea we need a sustained conflict in Syria:  MORE

17 Comments on Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Policy Is Correct, But Communicated Horribly

  1. If you’re waiting for Trump to sugar coat his message, and make sure it’s all politically correct, you might be in for a long wait. There are snowflakes in every crowd.

  2. There’s a lot of anger over Mattis resigning in the military community. When you point out the them he’s a registered Democrat and believes in Globull Warming, Crickets.

  3. Trump has said for years, and during the campaign, that he wanted to wrap up U.S. military activity in the Middle East and bring the troops home. The wrapping up took an easing of the restrictive rules of engagement allowing our warriors to actually engage in something approaching war. Mattis was the perfect choice for that phase of Trumps overall plan. But now that there’s been a significant degree of victory, it is time to start withdrawing troops. This is a good thing, and Mattis is no longer the right man for this follow-on phase, thus his departure.

    I don’t have much interest in what Trump says; his actions are what’s important. And I like his actions.

  4. I don’t get these constant copycat refrains about Trump’s “style” or how he communicates. I have absolutely no problem understanding exactly what he’s saying, and what he says sounds perfectly fine.

    (I will note, for those who don’t know him, that he does tend to talk to larger audiences as if he’s speaking to a gathering of grade schoolers or grandchildren. I’m not sure where this habit developed, but it should not be mistaken for where his mind is. Perhaps those who complain about the “communication style” — especially those who fancy themselves to be in the business of “explaining” crap to the proletariat are subconsciously recognizing this and feeling talked down to, or resent that he’s just bypassing them by being simple and blunt.)

  5. The withdrawal announcement completely undercut any negotiating leverage the people in the SDF controlled East of Euphrates had with the Syrian and Turkish governments. Instead of waiting to withdraw after a Confederation of Syria with protective rights is signed, it is going to be how to avoid an invasion and bloodbath in the East of Euphrates.

  6. yeah, I’m getting all bunged out about Trump getting us out of Syria, as the Media & the Chicken Hawks go all freakazoid … while they all applauded Barky O for leaving Iraq


  7. ‘while they all applauded Barky O for leaving Iraq’. So true while he and his party ignored the voters back then with 80% polled said ‘stop the US border invasion’. After 8 years of Barry O, we are closer now than we have ever been. As long as Dems want to ignore national security (which BTW they take an oath to protect and enforce) for illegal votes, F’em.
    Don’t want to fund a wall? Bring all home and let them camp out on our borders. Why not, they are all ready in our approved ‘Budget’.

  8. Can we make a couple of things plain?

    Obama always made a distinction between fighting “ISIL” vs “ISIS”. He was fighting “ISIL” in Iraq. He was funding “ISIS” to fight his illegal war in Syria. Like there’s some high wall of separation and Articles of Organization between the two that prevent common management. Then he abandoned Iraq so they could pillage the weapons and carry out their Syrian war.

    He was siding with ISIS in Syria with Kurds coming in one direction and Syria and Russia in the other. We were enforcing a “no fly zone” in part of the country while Russians were sending disguised troops to support Assad.

    This entire adventure was a clusterfuck from top to bottom.

    A couple of more things. For years, the Left said “we aren’t electing a Pope for President”. We heard you.

    For years, the Left said “Neocon chickenhawks just want to topple every government in the Middle East for Oil”. We heard you.

    Now we have more oil than all of them. We don’t need shit from them or to send our people over there. They say we destabilized Iraq by taking out their strong man. We Won The War But we Lost The Peace. So better to stay with the devil you know rather than what comes with the power vacuum.

    We heard you. So, now Trump makes buddies with Saudi Arabia – the devil we know. He has people talking to Turkey – the devil we know. All these devils we know. No regime change. We have no standards for human rights because we’re doing what CNN’s Jordan Eason did to keep their Baghdad office open during the Saddam years. We’re just ignoring what they do because it’s not our business, right? Imposing our cultural hegemony on the Middle East.

    That’s what you wanted isn’t it? So STFU and enjoy it. Don’t start getting all self-righteous now. It’s not like we don’t have quotes going back to the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.


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