Trudeau Blames Trump For Canada’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis – IOTW Report

Trudeau Blames Trump For Canada’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis

DC: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is blaming President Donald Trump and his “domestic realities” for the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants coming into Canada.

Trudeau made the comments Friday during a year-end interview with Global News.

Dubbed a “border crisis” by the Official Opposition Conservatives, an increasing number of Canadians are also concerned about the steady stream of illegals coming into Canada, according to polls. The flood of would-be refugees began shortly after Trudeau issued the now infamous #WelcomeToCanada tweet in January 2017 that invited the refugees of the world to come to Canada, even as Trump aimed to tighten American borders.  read more

21 Comments on Trudeau Blames Trump For Canada’s Illegal Immigrant Crisis

  1. Gee, A liberal/progressive blaming a scapegoat for his own failures? Nobody saw that coming.

    Next, it will be the fault of Rush Limbaugh, the Koch Bros, Fox News…
    Rinse, repeat, blah, blah, blah…

  2. This metrosexual pajama-boy with a bad case of hero worship for obamma to the point that I predict he will next go the “orange man bad” route and darken his skin with spray-on tan and massive tanning salon visits so he can look like he “identifies”.

    I know it is hard to make morons like that octazio-cotex bitch look smart, but the limp wristed Trudeau manages to pull it off.

  3. How about Trudeau sending a few billion to Trump to get the US southern border fence started. Or just send it along to “We the people will fund the wall” and remain in the shadows if you want to…

  4. The election is now less then a year away and he’s trying to lay the groundwork for who to blame for his various policy disasters. This one stems from his order to take 75,000 refugees in early autumn 2017 and have them in Canada by Christmas even though all his security and social services warned him it would be a disaster. While he eventually relented he still needs someone to blame so Trump gets to carry the can. Expect more and more of this crap as we in Canada roll on to November and one hopes the destruction of the Liberal Party of Canada and Trudeau’s return to his first career as a bar bouncer with a famous (or infamous) father.

  5. @ Tim Buktu: I think you may be talking about Faith Goldy, a quite beautiful conservative woman who is a constant target of the canadian left’s hostility. Check her out on the ‘net.


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