Obama to fold Organizing for Action group in effort to focus on gerrymandering reform – IOTW Report

Obama to fold Organizing for Action group in effort to focus on gerrymandering reform

FOX: Former President Barack Obama is going all-in on gerrymandering reform by consolidating his nonprofit political organization group with another to double down on efforts on what has become his major focus since leaving the White House.

Obama announced the consolidation of his Organizing for Action group into the National Democratic Redistricting Committee during a call with supporters this week.

“People want common sense gun safety laws, Congress ignores it. People want compressive immigration reform, Congress ignores it,” Obama said during the Thursday call, the Atlantic reported. “The single most important thing that could be done at the grassroots level over the next few years is to make sure the rules of the road are fair. If we do that, I think we’ll do the right thing.”  more

12 Comments on Obama to fold Organizing for Action group in effort to focus on gerrymandering reform

  1. As if most Democrats don’t already live in concentrated cities by choice. The cry of “Gerrymandering” is just an excuse for losing elections.
    BTW, which party is it that wants to “Gerrymander” the Electoral College? Same thing, grander scale. Take away the voter neutrality in favor of two highly populated areas full of Democrats, East and West Coasts.

  2. “The single most important thing that could be done at the grassroots level over the next few years is to make sure the rules of the road are fair. If we do that, I think we’ll do the right thing.”

    That’s hilarious, spilling from his treacherous mouth. Obamination knows not the meaning of the terms ‘fair’ or ‘right’. If it weren’t for misuse of his power, America would know the truth of his education, birth and leftist roots.

    The illiterate SOB bumbles through life with the kiddie rails up. He needs to stick to script or TelePrompTer to go to the bathroom; what a joke to think he is capable of anything other than elitist, thuggery.

  3. What a laugh.

    Gerrymander was invented by the southern democrats
    to keep blacks from being elected.

    Ditto for
    poll taxes and literacy tests.

    I can hardly wait to hear this stupid ass
    try to blame this on the party
    that freed the slaves.

    Time to bone up on history
    Barry baby
    if you’re capable of it.

  4. How right you are mighty mojo. The greatest words I ever heard him say regarding the Peace Corps, the dumb fool couldn’t even pronounce It, he called it “THE PEACE CORPSE “

  5. The Dems made all of these insane districts to make sure that a black or brown was elected every time. Now they want to tack some of those blacks and browns onto white districts, because the Dems have figured out that there are enough stupid white women who will reflexively vote for a minority candidate, no matter how crooked or incompetent the candidate is,

    Eff Obama, Holder et al. They don’t get to rejigger the districts for their benefit anytime it suits them.


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