Wildflowers Don’t Care Where They Grow – IOTW Report

Wildflowers Don’t Care Where They Grow

Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harris – Wildflowers.

One of my favorite songs. Even if Ronstadt is in it. LOL!

13 Comments on Wildflowers Don’t Care Where They Grow

  1. ‘While Linda Ronstadt had a beautiful voice’ as long it was never doing anything original. Kinda like ‘insert your favorite rapper babe here’.
    Always talent-less she was and remains.

  2. You can say what you will. I’ve had to learn to divorce my opinions of someone’s talent from their politics. There are, for example, several actors whose work I’ve enjoyed but whose political views are pure trash.

    Linda Ronstadt is a moonbat; on that we can agree. But the three albums with Nelson Riddle are inspired.

  3. Nelson Riddle, due to him are inspired. He knew like anyone else needs a pay-check.
    His pay-check was only limited by who he agreed to back.
    Inspiration was only on him, just like the Batman theme,,,

  4. Yeah, whatever. Hate her all you like. I’m only saying she had a marvelous voice and those three albums are among my favorites. Of course Nelson Riddle knew what he was doing. So did the bass player, the sound engineer, etc, etc.

    I only wish there were a fourth album.

  5. As singers , I like Emmylou and Linda, but Dolly has always gotten on my nerves. Too much “twang” or vibrato, or something. And age hasn’t helped. Just one man’s opinion. Not my cup of tea.

  6. I can hate on Ronstadt all I want since she EXPLICITLY said she wants me and every other conservative to die. She EXPLICITLY said she doesn’t want conservatives at her concerts. I’m complying with her wishes – I purged my library of anything that had her in it. Her very presence is disgusting to me, no matter how much I may like the other performers. Unfortunately, she also makes the other performers less than they’d otherwise be. The U.S. entertainment industry is almost completely dead to me.

    Read “The Rules of Sewage”

  7. Man, are you folks grotesque. Ronstadt had the greatest set of pipes on the planet. Never heard of Dolly or Emmylou ’til Linda brought them into the limelight(late 70s). Yikes is this a KKK/Trump site?

  8. Dear Nell,

    unfortunately this is not a KKK site like the ones you are fondly familiar with. This site is far, far worse. I.O.T.W.(report) is run and fully funded by the vile and underhanded Canadian government.

    Proof of this assertion can be found by checking past articles. You will find zero porn.

    I know, I know, I too, can taste vomit in the back of my throat. Yet is there any greater indication that this site flows with the sour, thin, vinegar infused blood of Canada?

    In short, Nell. This site isn’t meant for the eyes of the weak or intellectually stunted. I suggest smashing your computer and burying it in the back yard before your teeth melt and your brain shrivels any further.

    Yours in Christ,

    Señor Rebaba esq.

    Hero of the revolution, liberator of the enslaved, etc…etc…


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