The $500-million climate carnival concludes – IOTW Report

The $500-million climate carnival concludes

American Thinker: COP 24 just concluded in Poland.  Nearly 23,000 climate saviors attended this 24th annual climate carnival.

Every year, plane-loads of concerned busybodies fly to some interesting new location to spend tax dollars on a well stocked 12-day holiday.  They concoct plans to ration and tax the energy used by real workers, farmers, and families back home.

Few delegates arrived by bicycle or solar-powered plane – a fleet of at least 100 commercial, private, and charter aircraft brought them at a cost estimated at U.S. $57M.  When the costs of hotels, ground transport, food, entertainment, air-conditioning, and office services are added, the bill is likely to top $500M.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on The $500-million climate carnival concludes

  1. Just $500,000,000.00. I’m surprised it’s so low. Hotels, food, alcohol, whores, drugs. That’s less than $22,000.00 per person, for 12 days. I’ll bet you it’s twice that.

  2. Extrapolate emissions from dollars. Median family of 4 people in the US living off $52,000 per year divided into $500M you get 38,461 people emitting carbon for a year. Here we have 23,000 people emitting the same carbon in 12 days. It’s just part of living in a progressive utopia.

  3. Gee Wally, I dunno, but it sure sounds to me like we need emissions controls for dollar bills!

    No kiddin Beave, that and cLIEmate-change pushing politicians!

    Hey Wally, maybe we can start with PVC Butt-Plugs for them!

  4. These annual smarmy onist festivals of self gratification and congratulations into a mirror are the lifeblood of validation required to be a Marxist liberal…since they operate on feelings and other emotions they have a constant unfulfilled need to recognize their own importance to themselves.

    It is the perpetual motion machine of vanity and hubris that will keep them distracted by their own reflections long enough for us to take back our country.

  5. Mt. Pinatubo put out more greenhouse gas in 4 days than humans put out since Homo Ergaster walked the Earth.
    The Son of Krakatau and his volcano friends can wipe out humanity faster than humans could if we tried.

  6. Hey, they are not going to live forever, therefore, they take all the free goodies they can (that we are stupid enough to pay for) while they can and smile all the way to the bank and back while we just pack up the old lunch box and go to work!

  7. During one of those climate conclaves in Denmark a few years ago, the whores offered their services for free. Al Gore took advantage and said it was the best sex he had since 1995 when he got sloppy seconds from his wife.


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