New study confirms business flight from California accelerating – IOTW Report

New study confirms business flight from California accelerating


The evidence is more than anecdotal. According to a recent study, business flight out of California has accelerated to an unprecedented level. In 2016, the year for which the most recent data is available, 1,800 businesses moved out or “disinvested” from California. This is the highest one-year total in the nine-year history of tracking by the study’s author.

The study was released by Spectrum Location Services, a firm specializing in advising businesses about the relative advantages or disadvantages of doing business in various locations. The firm’s principal, Joseph Vranich, is well-versed in California public policy. Not only has he tracked business flight out of the Golden State for nearly a decade, he was the co-author of the study of California’s High Speed Rail Project conducted in 2008, even before voters approved the bond measure. That study was prescient in predicting that the HSR project would meet virtually none of the promises made to voters.


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20 Comments on New study confirms business flight from California accelerating

  1. I’m a Cali Corp. Haven’t paid taxes in years. Have a pretty smart accountant. Been sucking wind since Obamy. he wasn’t the one who started the bleeding. Which leads me to believe every President since Reagan were all on the same team. Now I gotta contend with not Getting paid because of the shut down. I’m outa Cali as soon as I can. Unfortunately it will take a couple years.

  2. joe6pak

    Anymouse is rowing in circles. However California in the last couple years have pondered an exit tax.
    I’m imagining families shooting through the blockades at the border after California has taken the last red cent from the middle class.

  3. joe6pak

    I think California as more of a regime than a Government. I should further explain these state officials will not wonder in any county north of Sacramento county. For good reason. I cant think of one county north of Sac county that is compiling with not notifying ICE of a criminal alien.

  4. Like a balloon, the more you jam into it, the faster it’ll come out. California is a beautiful state, I really would like to live there. Problem is about 4/5 the population needs to go first, and 99.9% of the government.

  5. Anymouse is rowing in circles. However California in the last couple years have pondered an exit tax.

    What I was referring to…
    But perhaps they might also bring back slavery. Current residents have to stay and those that have already left shall be hunted down and returned. Could set up rewards for capture and return with some form of bounty.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket. Dems are the party of slavery right?

  6. Every year California gets a little closer to Venezuela and now New York is following suit.
    I still maintain that the federal spigot to these rogue states needs to get cut. Look, if a State does not abide by EPA mandates their highway finding gets cut. It’s the same thing here! The hard-earned tax dollars of law-abiding American citizens should not be funding illegal or un-American activities of these democRAT Progressives! Guidelines and Laws simply don’t matter. Progressives have shown us that. Defunding their activities is the only thing that will get their attention.

  7. Of course part of the problem is when they leave for places like Idaho or Texas that vote for politicians of the same ilk as those in Cali tax & spend crowd thus causing problems in their new home state.

  8. Arby: Damn right. Been going on for years on an individual basis. When corporations move out, they take big crowds of employees with them, (some unwillingly).
    The term “Californication” was coined nearly 50 years ago in Oregon when they saw this phenomenon happening. Oregon went from red to solid blue in that time.

  9. One trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) dollars is a lot of money……..BUT allocating that much at $50,000 each to ANYONE who IS a CITIZEN and is willing to leave our country permanently will be well spent!! Who will leave with NO re-entry? No one would be forced. You are looking at 20,000,000 people who are mostly poor, short-sighted, on unemployed, or lazy! A “family of four ($200,000) can buy more than 40 acres and a mule in most of the world. This would pay for itself in 3 years……. Lower crime, unemployment, welfare, etc


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