Girl Scouts: Your Daughter ‘Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug’ at Christmas – IOTW Report

Girl Scouts: Your Daughter ‘Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug’ at Christmas

Breitbart: The Girl Scouts says parents could be giving their daughters the “wrong idea about consent and physical affection” during the holidays when they encourage hugging family members.  more here

12 Comments on Girl Scouts: Your Daughter ‘Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug’ at Christmas

  1. But they have no problem with advocating aborting babies. Half of whom are girls. These people are sick. No wonder parents are trying to get their girls into the Boy Scouts.

  2. Years ago one of the new youth in my church group, probably 11 or 12, introduced her 7 year-old sister to me and told her to give me a hug. She said ‘I don’t know him, I’m not giving him a hug’, to which I enthusiastically agreed. That younger sister is in college now, has given me tons of hugs and in fact used to lift me off the ground, which isn’t easy considering I’m around 180 and she was 9 or 10 at the time. We talk about that story often, and I will be celebrating Christmas with her family tomorrow.
    Point being, don’t push children to do something they are uncomfortable with, but more importantly if you are the adult they are pushing the kid to hug let the kid choose what he or she wants to do.

  3. to be honest, i am mostly with them on this one. most children of both sexes who are sexually abused or even kidnapped and sexually abused are the victims of those known to them, family members and family friends. stranger abductions of small children are rare. my own family had an uncle who started raping his sister when she was 4. then he started selling her off to other boys in the neighborhood to use. it went on for decades. this was back when no one ever spoke of such things. the denial was 10 feet thick. everyone knew there was something seriously wrong with this piece of crap but they just pretended it was all ok. if i had kids- they’d have been going no where near him while the rest of the family forced the whole hugging shit. i was abused by the adult female sisters across the street who used to baby sit me. i had no way to communicate what happened to me and was punished for not wanting to go to the baby sisters. i would never force a child of mine to hug anyone that made them uncomfortable. i know from personal experience that sometimes there’s a very good reason for it. hell, there are people i wouldn’t let touch one of my cats- no way would i ever be part of denying my kid the right to their bodily integrity. i know what people are capable of and i know the sick twisted shit that can hide in families.

  4. “Doesn’t Owe Anyone a Hug’ at Christmas,” and I feel no obligation to buy your cookies either. I’m not the huggy, touchy, feely type of person. How about teaching the girls that just a hand shake is fine. Don’t make them go through life believing that everything has a sexual motive to it. The Girl Scouts may find themselves bankrupt like the Boy Scouts if they keep it up.


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