Facebook Suspends Democrat Strategists Behind Election Disinformation Campaign – IOTW Report

Facebook Suspends Democrat Strategists Behind Election Disinformation Campaign

Breitbart: Facebook has suspended five accounts belong to Democrat strategists who were involved in a 2017 Alabama Senate election disinformation campaign against Republican candidate Roy Moore. The social media giant called the effort “coordinated inauthentic behavior.”

According to the Washington Post, Facebook “suspended the account of Jonathon Morgan, the chief executive of a top social media research firm, after reports that he and others engaged in an operation to spread disinformation during the special election in Alabama last year.”

In a statement, Facebook confirmed its suspension of “five accounts run by multiple individuals for engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior,” one of which was reportedly Morgan, and claimed to have an “ongoing” investigation.  more

9 Comments on Facebook Suspends Democrat Strategists Behind Election Disinformation Campaign

  1. Yeah he cheated, Rats won, election over, he doesn’t need the account anymore, but you can be sure that when it comes time for a bunch of democRATs to beat up on the little guy, Facebook will be there helping to hold the little guy down!

  2. So what does “suspended” mean? They’re off for a few months? How about Facebook actually do something meaningful. The accounts are deleted and the users banned for life. It won’t happen but it should.


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