WaPo Turns Sitting On Santa’s Lap Into A #MeToo Moment – IOTW Report

WaPo Turns Sitting On Santa’s Lap Into A #MeToo Moment

The idiots at WaPo are never happy, so you have to be unhappy, too.

DC: The Washington Post published an article Sunday debating whether or not forcing children to sit on Santa Claus’ lap during the Christmas season is appropriate in the #MeToo era.

Some parents say children should be allowed to opt out of photos with Santa if they feel uncomfortable, but other parents force their crying children onto Santa’s lap.

However, The Washington Post elevated the debate to a new level by bringing #MeToo – a movement about sexual harassment and assault — into the discussion:

Many parents don’t see a problem with participating in what they view as an innocent tradition. But some have begun questioning the way the culture approaches photos with Santa amid the #MeToo movement and a national conversation over how to teach young children about consent and physical boundaries.

The article linked back to a blog post by Angela Chang, a mother who explained why she no longer takes her children to see Santa. She, too, invokes the #MeToo movement in her reasoning.

“Were you paying attention a few weeks ago when #metoo took social media by storm?” Chang wrote. “You might think I’m overreacting here, but I really don’t think I am.”

Some parents indicated that the #MeToo comparison is an “overreaction.”  MORE

9 Comments on WaPo Turns Sitting On Santa’s Lap Into A #MeToo Moment

  1. Chang gets a bronze medal for saying, “You might think I’m overreacting here, but I really don’t think I am,” instead of “You might feel I’m overreacting here, but I really don’t feel I am.”

    But then she’s stripped of her medal for doping.

  2. I am definitely changing my screen name to ‘I am so tired of this crap’. Just before I sat down at this damn computer, I related a story to my hubby of my father taking me to the Chicago Stock Yards. I was very young. Delighted Dad took me on a bus ride (he didn’t drive – wise) and we walked through the stalls not realizing one of those poor relatives would be soon be on my plate. It was wonderful. One of my best memories. Just like sitting on Santa’s lap and wishing for a Barbie doll. F these liberals. They ruin everything.

  3. This is along the lines of a recent discussion about forcing kids to hug relatives they don’t know. If the kid doesn’t want to sit on Santa’s lap don’t make him/her do it.
    And if Santa feels uncomfortable with a kid, or perhaps a cougar, sitting on his lap he should just say ‘No!’

  4. Since Bezos bought the Post it’s been getting worse and worse. Whatever throttle guard they had in place he removed. I suspect he has too much time on his hands. Maybe a good Anti-Trust suit against him and the Amazon creature he created would give him something else to do.


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